Need recommendation for Algebra I materials


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  • Sue

    I am wondering what any of you use for Algebra I, for an 8th or 9th grader. Could you tell me what you like about what you use?



    We are doing Pre-Algebra this year. But I thought I’d share what we use. We are doing Math-U-See and it’s working really well for us. They have Algebra I too.

    We had one daughter use Teaching Textbooks and the other using Math U See, my one daughter is redoing Algebra, because she really did not get it and missed a lot during her illness. She was not getting on with Teaching Textbooks and so we got her Math U See and she is really doing well with that – so well that if we do higher math we will use MUS. If your child is strong in math most anything will work, but my daughter does not like math at all – MUS is working especially well for her because it is all baby steps and incremental and very very consistent. The light bulb goes off in her head often now, whereas with TT she was often just confused. If I was doing my time over, I would do MUS all the way through from K – 12. Linda


    We are using Math U See also, and have found it is very easy to understand (we currently have five school aged children and it is working well for each of them).  However, we have only reached pre-algebra.


    We love MUS Algebra I.  IN fact Algebra I is the reason I decided to go with MUS way back when my oldest was six years old–I saw the demo video, and it had a discussion of factoring polynomials on it.  I only half-jokingly asked my dh if I could sue my old school for NOT teaching it that way, which I could have understood, versus the way they did teach it, which I muddled through without having any idea just what it was I was supposed to be doing.  Higher math is so much easier when you can see the “why” and not just memorize stuff to do with numbers.  We’ve used MUS all the way through PreCalculus (second son is on PreCalc now) and have loved it.  We understood it, it was easy for me to teach, and it prepared our children very well for higher math and standardized tests.  All family thumbs up here!


    Does anyone have a second choice for algebra? MUS is probably beyond our reach financially at the moment. Although, I might be able to get it more reasonably from used book sources.

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