Need organizational help with my chores

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  • Heather

    Okay, I think it was Christie (Misceegee) that posted recently that she was doing paper this year after 2 years on the CM Organizer and had decided to go back to the Organizer.  This is me also, except I only used the CM Organizer for about 6 months…but it was long enough to know I’ve made a mistake by trying to go to paper! 

    I have each subject/book mapped out into bite sized pieces for the schoolyear in my homemade paper planner.  The trouble is that it doesn’t make it into the weekly written plan all that often Embarassed…and when it does, well, life happens!

    My question, since I’m about to get my life in order, LOL, is about chores.  I know that I don’t want to incorporate my chores into the organizer.  I did that before and ended up not liking it very well.  I want to use an index card file with daily/weekly/monthly chores listed.  I like Flylady’s system, but I don’t know how to fit it into this format.  Do any of you use a chore system using an index card file?  I am interested to see how this works.  I cannot seem to wrap my head around it.



    I considered doing the index card system with chores, but then I realized that it would take me too much time to set it up “perfectly” so I tossed that idea. LOL. I know myself too well. I would have spent so much time on my index cards my house would have fallen apart around me.

    I use Motivated Moms and I love it. For $8/year ($4 right now for their end-of-year sale) I get a PDF with all of the chores for the year. I happen to buy the half-size and keep it hung on my fridge, checking items off as I do them.

    The two things I like most about it are

    1. The chores are posted right in front of me every day. Now I have no reason to forget something.

    2. It’s already planned out for me – no work on my part (except for the chores themselves. Now if I could just find something to buy that would do those for me!)



    I didn’t like having my specific chores in the organizer either, but what I now have is AM Chores and PM Chores as resources. Each has “Day of Month” as division & 1-31 as the divisions. I’m scheduling each month. I just did this, but can tell I’m gonna like it. This gives the kids and me a quick view of if it’s all been done.

    I have motivated moms, but because it isn’t geared to my specific house, I’ve not really used it. I love the general idea, but would need to tweak a good bit to make it work. Yesterday, I found a book on called The Everyday Family Chore System by Vicki Bently. I purchased and read in one sitting. It is great and just what I was looking for. I love the how-to cards. Now, I’m working on putting it together. My kids are fine with doing the chores, but keeping up with who’s turn it is for dishes or whatever has been my struggle. I think this will help.





    Another vote for the Vicki Bently book that Christie mentioned. I love it. 🙂


    @ Christie…..your kids are fine with doing the chores?!?!! What are you feeding them?? Or is it something in the water??  :)) laughing




    Here are some index card systems….House of Order (has products you can purchase), Mom’s The Word (explanation w/pictures), She’s Organized (instructions, some pictures), Spring Clean Year Round (for purchase & super cute), Controlling My Chaos (instructions w/pictures).  Motivated Moms is great and they also have an iPhone/iPod app.  Home Routines is another great iPhone/iPod app.

    I think it’s somewhat sad that I have all these bookmarked and have yet to figure out how to implement them.  Sealed



    @ Heather — lol! That’s pretty funny. At least you were able to be helpful!! 🙂


    Thank you ladies!  I am going to check out these links…hopefully one of these systems will mesh with my brain.  If all else fails, it occurred to me this morning that I can just take 30 cards and split up flylady chores for each day according to rooms/zones.  If there is a 31 day month I can get a day offLaughing.


    That’s what I was thinking, 30-day chore lists. However, then I think you would make up the missing 2 days in February (non-leap year) on January 31 and March 31. Then, the rest of the year, you’d have a day off during the longer months! Yay!!!


    What about setting it up like the CM Scripture Memory System box with a tweak. Have dividers for the following and file your chores accordingly.




    Su – Sat 


    Jan – Dec

    I think this could be a workable idea to make sure you cover it all. Similar to the Spring Clean Year Round above, but homemade with your list.



    This post got me to thinking it was time to revamp our system. My kids do their chores well and without complaint, but our rotation needed adjusting and I’ve new up and comers who needed to be folded in. I wrote a blog post about what I came up with. If interested, you can see it at



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