Need Lewis & Clark Resources Quick

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  • We are going to a Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center on a family trip to Long Beach, Washington in two weeks (Juuly 22nd).

    What can I read or study with my kids before then? Ages 8 and 11.

    I have the Scott O’Dell Streams to the rivers book on hold at the library so far.



     I know you are wanting book ideas, but if you have netflix, there is a good documentary. My kids really enjoyed it. Ages 9,7  even my 4 year old watched it. Informative with lots of beautiful scenery and it helped inspire my children to draw nature… Hope you have a blessed trip!


    The O’Dell book is great.  A fun rabbit trail is to read about their dog, Seaman.  A few books about that are out there.  I’m going out to milk now but will pull specific titles later.

    I used books about their dog, Seaman. And don’t forget Sacajawea books too!


    There was a DVD by PBS that my kids LOVED as did my husband and I.  It was by Ken Burns I think….There were 2 innapropriate parts that were very easy to fast forward through.  Let me find the information and I’ll post it so you’re prepared! 


    Ok – It’s called Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery (It was PBS and Ken Burns)Beware of content during the “Our Friends” segment – They discribe a ritual of the indians to bring rain or warm weather or something – it deals with sex and how it caused the spread of STD’s among the indians and the corps of discovery –

    Beware of content during the “O! The Joy!” segment – They discribe the corps surprise to learn that the indians already know English….”colorful” english.

    Again, both of these were VERY easy to fast forward, just preview those 2 segments without the children present to figure out where to start and stop beforehand.  Also – in the end, Lewis commits suicide.  They do discribe the suicide, and how distraught he was, but with great compassion.  One of the men who is telling the story starts crying because he’s so overcome with emotion for Lewis. We used it as a jumping ground to discuss suicide and how when we are not focused on the Lord, or do not have the Lord in our hearts, how quickly the enemy can overcome us with dispair.

    They do the movie with lots of video of places they were, some reinactments, lots of videos of different paintings and drawings of the time, and pictures of the actual letters and journals they wrote.  Most of it was readings of their letters and journals pages along with people who had studied this expedition and tell the story in such a living way.  It was VERY interesting, my kids were GLUED, as were my husband and I.  There were many segments, and we just viewed a segment a day.  We got our copy from the library.  Hope you are able to get your hands on a copy!!  It really is a don’t miss!!


    There is a DVD documentary about Lewis and Clark by Ken Burns, and it was fabulous.  It is also about 4 hours long, so we broke it into stages and I made Lewis and Clark coloring “books” from this site:  and a couple of others.  They listened/watched while coloring.  We got our copy of it from the L&C museum in St Charles MO.  It would be available to order online, as well as in the library.  They will probably have a copy at the place you are going. 

    PBS has a wonderful interactive website about this here:  Interactive maps about the route, camping places, journals, Native Americans, timelines, etc… and you do not have to watch the documentary to enjoy it.  another interactive source   this has a 10 minute video that talks about how Lewis and Clark left St Louis and it became the Gateway West.  Not sure that is what you are looking for, my player doen’t want to work right now.

    The Army Corp of Engineers (or someone) did a reenactment of this trip I think in 2003 (2006?)  There is a video of it, can’t seem to find it at the moment.  Anyway, one of the dugouts is in St Charles, and my kiddos got to sit in it and pretend and think about the trip…cute pictures too,  =)   free Sacageawea paper doll and clothes



    Has some book choices and other ideas, maybe you can find something useful.

    Lewis & Clark


    You’ll find gobs of resources here & here. Free notebooking pages, timeline stuff, lesson plans, etc.


    Thank you so much for taking time to post, I’ve collected these links and suggestions on my “reserach” blog for later.

    We leave next Friday which leaves a little time to learn before we go!

    Thanks again! 🙂


    For what ages would you suggest the Ken Burns video?  I know Laura.bora recommended speeding through 2 sections.  I have kids 10, 8 and 6.




    We watched the dvd this past spring, and my kids were then 10, 11, and 13.  I don’t think a lot of the details would sink in readily for your 6-year old, but the music and scenery are just so captivating that your youngest two would be able to sit for a segment at a time, perhaps while drawing or coloring.  Occasionally, we paused it after a bit to “narrate” or discuss what we had just seen and heard.  It’s long, but it’s broken into short segments so you can watch one or two a day.

    By the way, there is a companion volume to the dvd entitled Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery that was written by historian Dayton Duncan and filmmaker Ken Burns–the gentlemen who produced the dvd for PBS–and the book is listed on SCM’s Curriculum Guide history module 5 for grades 7 through 9.


    Thanks, Sue.  That is helpful!

    Have a good weekend,



    My son was 7 and my daugter was 4 when we watched it.  My 7 year old retained A LOT of it.  My 4yo was captivated by the movie as a whole, and I figured if she sat through the movie (we split it up and did one section a day) fine, if not fine.  One day when she wasn’t here, we watched our next segment without her.  I was met with tears when she found out she hadn’t gotten to watch it! I’m sure your kids will love it!

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