Need Inspiring Quote(s) for Schoolroom Wall

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  • missceegee

    It’s almost New Year’s and I’m in MAJOR clean-up, clean-out & reorganizing mode! I decided to tackle our school room and get it in shape before we start back up next week. Originally, I was going to deep-clean, organize and de-clutter a bit, but I decided I need to make this room more calming and peaceful for me to truly enjoy it. Visual clutter bothers me, so I bought some pretty magazine file boxes and baskets and I set about making our school shelves look like something out of a magazine. Now, I know it won’t stay perfect, but hopefully it will remain neat and less visually overwhelming for me!

    I want a friend to make some vinyl wall words with an inspiring quote or quotes for this room. I’d love to hear some of your favorites.

    My only idea at the moment may be too long –

      “A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” Goethe


    I am, I can, I ought, I will



    “The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.” – Henry Ward Beecher

    “I am only one but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.” – Helen Keller

    “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.” – Yeats

    “If you think education is expensive – try ignorance.” – Derek Bok

    Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn – Greek Proverb

    “To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    “Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.” – Roger Lewin

    I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand. – Chinese Proverb

    “What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children’s growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools, but that it isn’t a school at all.” – John Holt

    “Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way.” – George Evans



    We have I am, I can, I ought, I will all over house as well


    For some whimsy, here are a couple of quotes by Dr. Seuss:

    The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.

    Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.


    Awesome idea – my vote is for the Dr. Seuss even though I like the other ones too! 🙂


    How do you organize your children’s individual math workbooks, writing paper, reading books etc? I just have white dishtubs from walmart I put each girls things in, but if you have a prettier container I haven’t thought of, please share! Our school room is also our playroom/computer room. lol The quotes idea is awesome! If I can talk my hubby in moving his framed awards to HIS office I’d have more room for that. 🙂


    I like to put up words, just plain words.  I use different sizes and fonts to make it more “interesting”.  Courage, faith, patience, peace, intelligent, praiseworthy, respect, laugh….things like that.



    You guys are full of great ideas! I love how open this group is with sharing no matter the topic. I’ll let you know what we decide on.

    Last night, my hubby thought up the possibility of building in a wall of desks for the 4 kiddos to save the space of 4 desks. We used to use one table, but decided to give the kids desks w/ some storage space for their stuff. Now we use a smaller table w/ the desks for seated work. 

    For organizing, I use seagrass baskets and colorful magazine file boxes. I covered some other small index card boxes with brown paper to help it blend better. My bookshelf area looks great! I love not having so much crammed in there that isn’t needed day to day and am fortunate to have other bookshelves to rotate things to. I plan to snap a couple of pictures when I finish today and will be happy to share, if interested.



    I love organizing and would love to see your photos! 🙂

    Do many of you moms have a school room? We just do our thing at the table or in the living room, but we will be moving soon to a new home and I could possibly make one of the rooms a dedicated school room. The only drawback for me is that I personally have so many of my own books that I don’t know where else I would put them! Embarassed I’m thinking about some built in bookshelves in the basement maybe.


    My favorite quote right now is:

    “The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days.”

    Charlotte Mason

    Also, I have school desks that I got for three dollars each at a yard sale a few years ago (before I even stated home schooling) and each of my children (even if they aren’t offacial “in school” yet) has their own desk.  We do have a school room that we just moved up stairs to make an office for my husband.  Our upstairs used to be a separate apartment and we are now having school in the living room and kitchen! 🙂 We have more room and more wall space and also a spot to have a puppet theatre.  Good luck cleaning and organizing!

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