Need ideas for teaching homonyms

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Need ideas for teaching homonyms


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  • mtnmama

    We really like our language arts program and my son usually works through the lessons very easily. However, todays lesson had 12 pairs of homonyms (some sets had three, like their, there, they’re) and then an excercise with 10 sentences and instructions to choose the correct homonym. It seems like it would take some time to memorize the differences between these 12 pairs so we talked about the first three and skipped the exercise.

    Any insights/ activities/ ideas for teaching this concept? 


    I would see if there are any online games he could play to help him with these! When we get stuck on something like that I like to reinforce it with games or computer games and just stay with it until he gets it.


    This isn’t a learning program but a cute book about homophones.  My MIL got it for us and it took some explaining for them to “get” it.  But perhaps an example like this will help.

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