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  • Wings2fly

    I have not done AO, but I did use Sonlight. I am drawn most to SCM, but my eyes often scan the Sonlight catalog and I throw in some of those books. I also use some Beautiful Feet books, Vision Forum, Drive Thru History dvds, etc. I don’t think there is “one” plan that would fit our family. I am very thankful for the Planning Your CM Education book and dvd. It helps me to think out how I am going to use all these great books in my own plan for my own family.


    Suzukimom, thank you for sharing that you left the AO group for your own sanity. The next time I opened my inbox to do that, I looked at how many more Yahoo groups I’m still a part of that don’t have relevancy any more, it was just stifling. I realized that after much prayer, I have a plan, and every time I open these e-mails and read through them, I start second-guessing God’s leading for our home and our educational plan. I took time this morning to unsubscribe to about a half dozen groups, as well as clutter I seem to be getting from stores I ordered from once, etc. and it was very freeing.


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