I am really struggeling how to bring world history and bible history together. It may be because I was brought up in a secular household and had a secular education and I am a rather “new” Christian. I am doing Module 1 with my DD 6 and I just don’t know how to line up all the ancient history with the bible history. My big “stumble block” is the great flood, which according to the bible wiped out all living being, besides the ones on the Ark. According to my bibel timelines the flood happend sometime around 2400 B.C..Now when we read about Ancient Egypt, it taks about buldings built and Kings lived during this time and shortly after. I honestly just don’t know how to make sense of all the events and therefoe have a hard time teaching the ancient history to my DD. We started talking about Ancient Egypt but so far I avoided bringing up dates because I do not know how I would explain the timelines if my DD would ask me. Maybe I am overthinking all this? Please don’t get me wrong, in no way do I want to question the bible history timeline, the bible is the one and only absolute truth to me. Can someone help me understand how to make sense of the ancient history without conflicting the bibel? Or is there a book I can read that would explain all that to me? Sorry if this question sounds rather silly to you, like I said, maybe I am just overthinking things and can’t see the obvious?
I don’t talk about dates with my dd6 either. Not because of your situation, but because she’s so young that she could care less and it would really mean nothing to her anyway. The date thing is a tricky issue, but I wanted to tell you that my Homeschool in the Woods figures places Noah at about 3500 BC, I believe. This is obviously a lot earlier than what you have on yours.
I don’t think this is a silly question, by the way. The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. It’s perfectly acceptable and even advisable to find answers to these questions when we can. It will prepare us better to defend what we know to be true.
I may have some magazines around here somewhere that talk a little about this. I’m going to see if I can find them for you.
What timeline figures are you both using? Strange that Homeschool in the Woods has Noah so much earlier…I’ll have to investigate that more when I have time.
I got my timeline out of a bible.If you read “The true story of Noah’s Ark” it explains how to exactly calculate the time of the flood after creation. The flood happened 1656 years after creation. What may be the difference, I see some bibles/scholars putting creation between 6000 B.C. and 4000 B.C.. I used year 5,000 B.C. as beginning of the world (that’s what my bible says).
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