Need Help with SCM Module 5

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    We are planning to use SCM Module 5 this fall. One of the resources listed for Grades 10-12 is American Voices:  A Collection of Documents, Speeches, Essays, Hymns, Poems, and Short Stories from American History edited by Ray Notgrass.

    I’m trying to figure out if I need to purchase this book because we already have We, the People:  Great Documents of the American Nation.

    Could anyone let me know what particular things are covered from the Notgrass book in Module 5, such as any documents, speeches, essays, etc.? That would help me see if they are also in the book I already have. I really appreciate your help.

    Sonya Shafer

    It might be easiest for you to take a look at the American Voices entry in the CM Bookfinder. That lists all the items in the book, and you would be able to get an idea of what is included. The readings recommended in Module 5 go up through “Democracy in America,” selection 39. We don’t use every single selection, but you could see which ones you wanted to use. Module 6 then recommends selections from the rest of the book.

    Hope this helps!


    Thank you so much Sonya! That helps me out a lot! I’m really excited to try the SCM Modules.

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