Need help starting SCM curric.

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  • the9clarks

    I’ve used AO in the past and have been considering My Father’s World for the “just tell me what to do” of it, but I really don’t want to leave my dear Charlotte Mason and her philosophies!

    I love the look of SCM, but am a little confused how to do the History/Bible modules. I will have four in 4th-5th grade and two in 1st grade next year. I’m having a hard time telling how I could teach them all together 😕

    Also, is there an easy way to set it all up on the planner or do I add each book one at a time? 

    Anybody wanna hold my hand and help me get started? 


    I don’t know about the planner, but the SCM history modules are set up so that the whole family is learning about the same topic at the same time (sort of like My Father’s World, if you have looked into that very much). For instance, if you begin with Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt you will be given something each day to read together and then each age group will have their own extra books to read that go with the topic studied by everyone. (Does that make any sense at all?)

    The easiest thing to do is download a sample of the SCM guide book and look at it.  Go to this link and click on “Download Sample”

    Hope that helps some 🙂


    Ok, I hadn’t seen the handbooks before so that is VERY helpful. Problem: We’ll be starting w/ Module 6 and I’m not seeing a handbook for that year. Is that one in the works, I hope? 


    Yes, the modle 6 handbook is in the works, usually the handbooks come out in the spring. 


    Module 5 is the start of American History, if that was what you were hoping to cover.  Module 6 is due out this spring.

    In the Organizer, you can NOT say “setup Module 1” and it assigns it all – you have to assign each book.  However, I think all the books used are entered as resources already, so it should be fairly easy to setup.

    Jordan Smith

    As Suzukimom pointed out, the Organizer currently doesn’t have a way to schedule all the books for a Module with one click. However, we do have every resource used in each Module tagged with the Module number, so you can search on “SCM History Module 1” and find everything. For example, here’s History Module 1:


    Suzukimom, we’re currently doing early American history, so Module 6 is what we’ll do next year. 

    I think I’ve decided to just not do history/geography with my 1st graders since I really don’t want to start them out with modern history. I’ll just do a Bible study with them along w/ the rest of the 1st grade subjects and then include them the following year when we start history over again. 

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