Need CM quotes showing that she is a Christian

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  • Alicia Hart

    I am starting a CM group this week and thier have been some ladies asking me if she really was a Christian or not.  I am sure that she was but I do not know of any direct quotes to support that.

    Does anyone know about this or could anyone point me in the right direction.

    Thanks very much.


    Here are some good ones that should help.


    That’s a great link! Her writings are filled with her faith. Her philosophy is so tied to it it really can’t be separated and remain true to what she was saying.

    Alicia Hart

    Thanks so much.  This will be so helpful to pass on to the other moms in our small group.


    I agree with RobinP. One cannot implement a true CM education apart from faith because the two are so intertwined. Some may implement hallmarks – living books, picture study, etc., but it will miss the knowledge of God that is central to the philosophy.


    Many are not aware that CM wrote a verse by verse commentary on the first 7 chapters of John called Scale How Meditations as well as six volumes of poetry expounding the Gospels called Savior of the World. Each Sunday afternoon she held “Sunday Meditations” with the student teachers where they studied the Scriptures. In The Story of Charlotte Mason it says, “The love and knowledge of God, of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world, of the Holy Spirit as supreme educator of mankind, these themes are never absent from her thoughts.” Pg. 188

    Alicia Hart

    Can’t wait to pass pass on this info to others as our group learns more about Charlotte.  I think that it is very interesting that her Christian faith cannot be seperated from her educational philosophy.  i find that fascinating. 

    Thanks -all !

    THanks for the links Kayla and curlywhirly!



    Do you have The Early Years: A Charlotte Mason Preschool Handbook? Go to pages 98-108 for an abundance of CM quotes on spiritual life. Hope that helps. That section is my favorite out of that entire handbook (besides the part where CM gives us “permission” to put aside formal studies with our children until they are six.) 

    Were the ladies doubting CM or just wanting more knowledge about her? Good for you in starting your own group! Best wishes to you. 




    If you begin reading her original works at all, you don’t get very far in before it is absolutely obvious that all of her advice is wrapped around her faith.  It seems to me it is on most every page!


    I’ve been confronted with this before, people having this conception that she wasn’t really Christian. At a homeschool meeting that I attended locally a few months back, one woman gave me (a very gentle) caution while proceeding with a Charlotte Mason sytle education. Her concern was that because there’s such a focus on habits, that that somehow carries an implication that she (CM) believed that we could somehow rid ourselves of our sin by building better habits, and that it’s not Jesus’ blood that purifies, but rather personal work on habits. It was really bizarre.




    I can’t help but feel that the people who say those things must not have read her work.


    I think how to respond depends in where the other person is coming from. Are they really saying CM is not at all Christian? Or is what they really mean she is not what I consider Christian because she disagrees with my theology on some points? There are things CM says which I either disagree with or wouldn’t put the way she does. But I have read all 6 volumes of her series and I am as convinced as I can be that her heart was where it should be. None of us have everything right theologically. It’s just always easier to see others’ errors 🙂 I also think CM is the most biblical approach to education I have seen because it respects the personhood of the child as one made in the image of God while still acknowledging that they aren’t perfect and need things like habit training. Also she attributes all learning to the work of the Holy Spirit. Here are some posts I did on these topics:

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