Need Bible & Geography Resources

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    Does anyone know if you need to add Bible & Geography to Beautiful Feet History Primary (K-3) guides?  If so, does anyone have any CM-friendly recommendations?  Thank you!


    We used the Early American history guide from BF and I read from a Children’s Bible at bedtime.  There are some Scriptures to read in some of the BF lessons and to discuss character traits of the characters you read about – if they were Biblical or not.  I liked how that was done.  We would sometimes look at a map to see where the story took place, which I think is enough geography for the early grades.  You could add a geopuzzle to help them with, if you wanted.


    Assuming you have younger children, I would recommend the Catherine Vos Story Bible as a read aloud or the Egermeier Story Bible. Regarding geography, BF also has a lovely geography study, which uses the Holing C. Holling books. We are 3/4 of the way through it and it’s been wonderful.



    Thank you!  Love the puzzle idea!  I’ve been wanting to read Egermeier’s with them for a long time now too.  I think we might do the BF geo study later on.

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