Need an Alternative for Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors

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    I am seeking advice regarding the CM History Curriculum. My son is in grade 2 this year. We began the Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt curriuculum in September but he is really not able to comprehend much of Ancient Egypt and her Neighbors. Can anyone suggest a book with similar content that is simpler and more suitable for lower primary grades? Thanks!


    I am thinking of substituting some of the lessons with chapters from Hillyer’s A Child’s History of the World for my first grader.  They won’t match up perfectly, but I think CHOW is a little more at his comprehension level.  Perhaps I will read the assigned chapter from Ancient Egypt and her Neighbors myself, so that I have the background needed for the Stuff They Left Behind pictures, which he loves.  I am feeling that Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors is a bit advanced for my little guy too.  Although, sometimes he surprises me!!


    Thanks so much for the lead. I’m going to check out your suggestion. My son enjoys the photos from Stuff They Left Behind too and he is comprehending the Bible reading well, although I am using an NIRV (which was created for ESL learners, is at grade 3 level). I use extra stories from the Catherine Vos translation as well when I sense a story is over his head, which is a great reasource. (Really glad I invested in that Children’s Bible.) So far I went online and ordered in about 15 books about Ancient Egypt from the juvenile section of my public library, so I’ll see what turns up. Then I think like you I will continue following the historical outline while supplementing with different materials. I like the curriculum and that it is a Bible-based lens on history, just not ready for some of the activities I guess. 

    Thanks again–I appreciate the time you took to respond.



    One of my favorite children’s book about Ancient Egypt is Secrets of the Sphinx by James Giblin. You can get it from the library or amazon for $4.00 used.


    You are welcome, K.  Actually, what I am doing is continuing the lessons as written (I also have an 8 year old) but not requiring as much from my 6 year old on days we read from Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors.  I may ask him what he learned from that chapter, but I don’t ask for a full narration from him.  If he were my only or oldest doing this study, I would do as you have and check out some good books from the library about Ancient Egypt.  It sounds like you’re on the right track!


    Thank you both, Janell and Jennifer. I requested Secrets of the Sphinx from my library. Still trying to track down CHOW…

    I am so grateful for this forum and all of the wisdom available here. I am on a steep learning curve! 


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