Okay, I’m ready. Everything’s planned (used Sonya’s Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education), all the books are bought (or borrowed), the children know it’s coming, supplies are organized, schedule is made (loosely, I’m not so much of a scheduler, as a “routine-er”), and we start next week (July 5) and now I’m getting nervous, even though I’m so excited and feel really good about what we have planned! This is our 4th year homeschooling, but my first year really planning everything myself. We’ve always been at least CM-ish, but the only other year I tried planning everything myself was a complete flop- it was not a fun year, and I don’t even think it was very productive apart from the bare minimums (math, reading-sort of!, and handwriting). That being said, I think I just need a little pep talk…lay it on me ladies! And thanks
Hey, the other time it didn’t work, you hadn’t used the Planning your CM education book to get it organized! (at least I hope not…)
This year is going to be great. You are able to do things that will fit your family, and can adjust anything that doesn’t work for the family. You have experience homeschooling, you aren’t a newbie….
Suzukimom, I could just hug you! That’s exactly what I needed. No, I haven’t used Planning Your CM Education before, and I do feel much more organized than the last time. Last time I used AO (which is also wonderful, I know) but I really didn’t have the experience to plan it. I just bought or borrowed the books and assumed I’d “wing it” (what was I thinking?!) Well, we didn’t really like many of the books (Paddle to the Sea and James Herriot’s Treasury for Children excepted), and…it just wasn’t a good year. That was two years ago. Last year I jumped on the Sonlight boat, which actually was a very nice year, except for LA, and the fact that I still ended up adding more and changing things even though it was *already planned*. So this year I thought, “I can do this!” Sonya has provided such great tools, and this forum has been such a help that this year, I think, will be a very good year. My 8 yo has had a part in choosing some of her curriculum, which has made her excited, and my 4 yo is eager to get into her “school” too, so I have it pretty good I think.
You know, our kids are our post precious responsibilities, and sometimes I get lost in the “I only have one chance to get this right” thought, that I freak out even if I’m totally prepared…mom sydrome? LOL
Well, thanks again. I consider the ladies here dear friends even though we never meet, and this is exactly why! ((hugs))
PS, And maybe I should start another thread, but have you ever started a module and changed gears half way? The reason I ask is because we’ve chosen to begin with module 2 for the simple reason that we’ve spent the last 2 years in Genesis, and I wanted to move on. The catch is, we spent quite a bit of time in Greece last year (study wise, not physically LOL) and I don’t want my students to get bored and restless, even though it looks like a completely different study of Greece…so would it be terrible if (and this is me freaking out) IF WE SWITCHED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE YEAR?! >GASP<
The fact that you used the Planning Your CM Ed this year is going to boost your confidence as each week passes by!!! You are going to say several times next year,
“Phew, so glad I used that CM Ed planner or I would be sodded right now!” or the like, lol
Kick back for a good cuppa and a fun read or your favourite treat today! You have done some serious foot work! The feild is palnted and the harvest is coming up! I love the anticipation of the new year about to begin! Makes me think of a script quote from ‘You’ve Got Mail’ where Tom Hanks character writes:
I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew where you lived, but this not knowing has it’s ….
I think if DH sent me a bouquet of new sharpened pencils I would be thrilled lol.
SO, pray (if you are inclined), rest, breath, and enjoy your new year!!! Many blessings!
Plus we all have bad seasons we can then use to help us with the new ones! You will do fantastically because you have your kids best interests at heart and you know them better than anyone else- who else is more qualified to help them learn. And what better way to learn than the CM way. I have three grown children whom I homeschooled in a CM fashion when I didn’t even know there was such a thing and they are an inspiration to me with the 2 still at home. Living proof you might call them 😉 You can TOTALLY do this and ROCK it as well. Lots of time for fun, and learning! Have fun!!
ah yes, we did AO Year 1 too (for 2 years…) We liked some of the books… I love Holling C. Holling! One book he didn’t like the first year we worked on it, but loved it the second…. A copule he hated at first (The Shakespeare stories) then suddenly loved… and some we hated all the way through (or dropped…) ie – Blue Fairy Book. YUCK.
And yup – just winging it won’t do.
As for changing partway through the year… Hey, that is why you only do the last few steps of planning a term at a time… You can adjust things as needed.
Cedargirl: I love it! I think a bouquet of pencils would be awesome LOL. Thanks for the encouragement…And yes, prayer and tea are definitely on the list- I even made myself some sugar cookies (shhhhh, I’m a closet sweet-toother, but that’s only known on this forum. Everywhere else I’m a nutrition nut LOL)
HeidiS: You’re right; learning from experience *includes* learning from the bad experiences too. And BRAVO! to you for those grown-up homeschoolers- you’re awesome
It’s so funny, isn’t it, that when we need help or advice because we’re “frozen” we often get the same advice that we would GIVE someone who asked the same question? Sometimes, we just need the person who’s sane at the moment to remind us of what we already know. *phew!* Feeling better. Thanks, Ladies!!