Since my state requires it, I need to have work to show in this area. I want it to be a very gentle, CM-friendly program if there are any. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thank you.
Sorry, should have mentioned that. He is 9 and in 4th grade. Would it be ok to start with Intermediate Language Lessons even though he hasn’t done Primary Language Lessons?
It also comes as a hardback book that is non-comsumable. There is also a teacher’s guide with answers in it (should you feel the need). Both can been seen with this link:
We used Primary Language Lessons for second and third grade and are using Intermediate Language Lessons this year for fourth grade. Very gentle – very CM, IMO. I ordered mine from Living Books Curriculum here:
I love the spiral bound hard copy (as opposed to digital) version they offer – it lies flat and is easy to make photocopies for some pages we keep in her notebook.
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