Need a book about air pressure & temperature

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Need a book about air pressure & temperature

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years ago by Sue.
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  • Sue

    My son has decided to enter the science fair held by a homeschool group we belong to. I’m THRILLED!!!! because he usually doesn’t think he can do something like that, so this is the first time he is really on board with a project like this.

    He wants to do the egg-sucked-into-a-bottle demonstration….you know, the one where you pour very hot water (or drop a match you’ve lit & quickly extinguished) into a glass bottle, place a peeled hard-boiled egg onto the mouth of the bottle, and watch the egg get sucked into the bottle. Now, this is not something likely to be done by a neuro-typical 13-year old student, but considering that my son has mild autism and is currently studying science at about a 4th or 5th grade level, I think this project is fine for him.

    Do any of you know of a science book that shows this experiment or talks about the general principles behind it? Perhaps something at the elementary level (just not too young)? I would like to be able to have him read about the reason why the egg does what it does so he can then put it into his own words and pictures for his science fair project presentation.




    Okay, I think Steve Spangler’s book, “Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes” has the egg in a bottle experiment in it, so I put it on hold at our library. I know some of you have mentioned this book, but it’s been a year or more since I had it at home and paged through it. Does anyone know if this egg thing is in that book?

    Any other books you might recommend for this? Thanks!



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