Nature walk/study

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  • Sara B.

    I’m having trouble fitting in a nature walk/study during the week.  We only have 1 vehicle, so I don’t get to go anywhere during the weekdays.  Evenings are filled up busy with dinner, getting kids to bed, and family time (plus it’s dark out there now, so can’t really do anything anyway).  Weekends are very busy, as well, trying to get household projects and chores done, errands since we can’t shop or anything during the week, and other events at church or with friends/family.  Any tips or suggestions?  The kids to get to go outside nearly every day for about an hour or so before it gets dark, but otherwise not much outside time for them, either.  🙁  Luckily, during the summer, I send them outside nearly all day long…  LOL


    I took photos this summer of our flowers, the bees, trips to nature areas, etc. knowing that even though my kids will play outside this winter, they can’t very well draw with their mittens on!  So they are working weekly on copying pictures and it is something they can do at home, in the car, at a doctor’s office etc.  You could find magazine pictures or one online as well.  I have them loosely coordinating with our science readings.  We also have two cats and a hamster that they draw from time to time as well.  Any pets at your place?  Then of course looking out the window of our once green yard and drawing how things look differently now.  We are trying to get birds at a feeder but I am not being to successfull at that yet!  Get creative!

    Sara B.

    Hm, didn’t think of all that…  They do all of that.  LOL  Pets?  Oh, yeah, we’ve got pets…  6 fish, 2 aquatic frogs, 2 guinea pigs, and 2 cats.  And in the spring we plan to get a dog.  We are gluttons for punishment, evidently…  Hee, hee!  At least in the summer we actually *want* to go outside and play, including to the zoo, nature paths around the area, state parks, relatives’ cabins up north, maybe some camping, etc.  The girls like the snow, but not Mama.  I am not a snow and cold kind of gal.  That’s why we moved from WI to MN.  Ha!

    Thanks again for reassuring me I am right where I should be.  🙂

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