nature study woe!!!

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  • mommix3

    Today I took the kids out to an area they have been begging to go to for nature study. We haven’t actually started nature study yet but thought this would be something fun to do today. When we got there, Dragon flies were EVERYWHERE. I mean THICK.  Probably about 200 of them in one small area. Along with more Monarch butterflies in one spot than I have ever seen. We get out and proceed to walk down to the riverbed and there sat the biggest frog I have ever seen in my life!! We saw tadpoles that were in the process of turning into frogs.  While the girls and I were facinated with the frog the boys wondered a little ways down the road and found another little trail by the waters edge. They were telling me about all the frogs they were seeing and how cool it was and wanted the girls and I to go see the place. So we followed them. There was a small drop off so my ds13 began to help my 5 year old down. Just then, he starts screaming. Yes, Screaming!!! I happen to see a yellow bug on his hand. It was STINGING HIM!! And was STUCK. Somehow my 5 year old found her way out on her own without any help. LOL And soon my son came out. He was crying and there was a huge place on his hand where the bug bit him. So I gave him some benedryl and took him to see dad at the shop. I thought that the pain would end in a short time,but it’s been 5 hours now and it’s still stinging and he’s still in tears. Now nobody wants to go out there again. It was a really nice place to see. We live in West Texas and there is NOTHING here. We didn’t realize we would see this much nature in one small area. We did go back but my son refused to get out of the car. And I had to pry the girls out. We still don’t know what kind of bug it was. It wasn’t a spider. From what I could tell it was something like a wood boarer. Those can sting if they are smashed. And it came from the tree branch that he was moving so he could help my dd5. We have kept a few of them for observations and my ds11 would hold it knowing that there was a possibility it could sting him. They usually hiss before they do anything though.. So Do I need to stay away from this area?? Or do I push them to go back?? My younger son and I went to see if we could find the bug but never did find anything even close to the color it was. We could’ve easily spent a whole day out there if this incident hadn’t happened. I expect to have things like this occur when I’m out in nature but it was a shock to my 13 year old.. 


    Awwwww! I’m so sorry! If it’s still stinging, the stinger may still be in there and a piece of tape could help pull it out. Or, he may have gotten some bacteria in it when he was stung. That *can* be serious (rarely), but if you soak it in some epsom salts and water as warm as he can take it, it should be fine. Look for a spreading redness, joint achy-ness, and a hardness around the area. Why do I know this? We went camping last week and it happened to my daughter (we never did see the insect, though). Praise the Lord we had a nurse with us that saw the warning signs. Probably, though, it’s just a nasty little critter. I just felt led to share that because we just went through it and so I thought perhaps the Lord was expecting me to.

    As for whether you should return to that area, I think it would be okay to give it a rest for awhile. If, as you say, there’s nothing else around, he likely will eventually want to return so he can see some stuff. Or you could offer to let him stay home and encourage him that it’s okay to take a bit to get over something like that, but he will need to ‘get back on the horse’ at some time that you and your husband’s wisdom dictates. In the meantime, I’d ask around to discover exactly what it was. You may even want to offer your 13yo the opportunity to do a little independent research!



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