nature study

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  • jeaninpa

    We had such a good experience with nature study this week that I just wanted to share.  Let me preface it by saying that nature study is NOT something we have done much of — I always want to, but we don’t get around to it. 

    We ended up walking in a meadow near a stream with the intention of just observing and seeing where it led.  It led to wildflowers.  The kids (ages 5-12) began focusing in on the different flowers we were seeing.  We picked samples of about six varieties, took them home and sat with nature journals, colored pencils and nature guides to draw, color and label them.  All the kids were completely engrossed, even the ones who clearly had attitude problems at the outset. 

    It showed me how valuable and easy nature study is.  Now we are all much more observant of the wildflowers.  Next time we’ll focus on something else!


    Sounds like you had lots of fun! Like you, we have a hard time having time to do nature walks, but they are so fun. Smile I am actually revising our schedule so that we make time to do this. I think that Miss Mason was very wise when she decided to have her students do this. We are going to be doing this on Tuesday afternoons (well, as long as the weather will permit, we live in Iowa and winter will be here soon).

    God Bless!


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