Our local nature preserve is offering a Fall Nature Club. Here is a brief explanation from the organizer:
“Our main goal for our clubs is to get the kids outdoors, playing in nature. We do very little outright “education” (though sometimes we sneak stuff in without the kids realizing it!) and instead focus on giving the kids time to play and explore. We let them decide what they want to do in the outdoors, whether that is playing in the mud, climbing a tree, turning over stones, or wading in the creek. (We try to convince them to stay out of the creek in truly cold weather, with mixed results.)”
It sounds great and as they get older there is one specifically geared for homeschoolers. Parents don’t really tag along (dc are 5 and 7) and I’m wondering if they’re too young. I think it sounds great and that they’ll love the outdoors that much more. We do at least 1 hike per week but this guide is very knowledgable and could share plenty of learning opps than I.
My main concern is fitting it into our schedule. It is on Thurs 4 -530. We have church on Wed. So that’s only 2 nights a week with an activity but is that too much? I’m thinking try it for Fall and if it’s crazy then we know.