Naturalist Supplies

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  • Kelley

    I’m putting together a Naturalist backpack for my daughter’s birthday.  She loves nature study!  She’ll be 7, so I don’t want to get plastic-y, cheap supplies.  Any suggestions on where to look and what to put in it?  I have some notebooks, a canvas backpack with a customized patch with her name on it, my husband is getting binoculars, and I know I want to put some good colored pencils in it.  I will still need to get specimen bags, magnifying glasses, a leaf press kit.  What else?


    Some field guides maybe?


    compass or tin of watercolors?  Also, pens or pencils are nice.

    Our farm store has binoculars and compasses.  For art supplies, we usually go to Hobby Lobby.


    -My daughter (8) loves watercolors so I have included a Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour set.  I love this set and use it myself.

    – I second field guides

    – Some nice drawing pencils and a quality drawing eraser has been used lots in my two daughter’s bags.

    – My oldest is responsible enough for a pen knife for cutting plants and such, and my other daughter has some scissors.

    – Clips for notebook if it is windy.

    – Scotch Tape

    – They love their hats that are for their adventures.

    – They always have bug spray, sunscreen, bottle of water, garbage sack that can be used if it rains, tissues that can be used for toilet paper or runny nose, band aids, and a snack.

    – We have also included a few survival items in case of emergency. Emergency blanket, whistle, magnesium fire starter and an OB tampon for starting a fire, paracord, iodine tablets, and an old CD for emergency signal.  We do train our children in survival though, and I would never just give them fire starter without training.

    That’s all I can think of that’s in our daughter’s bags without going and looking.  Hope it helps.



    There are two websites that come to mind that carry lovely nature study supplies…

    Also, if you search for Waldorf type websites you may find even more. Etsy is also another great option.

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