Natural Mosquito Repellant?

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  • MamaSnow

    We are staying for the next 6 weeks or so at a house with a fantastic backyard for the kids to play in  – such a blessing after 2 months of moving from place to place just about every week!  However, it is rather mosquito-y and I am a little wary of using deet or other ‘chemical’ type insect repellents on our kids.  Anyone have any good ideas that are more ‘natural’ that we could try? 



    Here’s my homegrown disclaimer: The following comments are my own personal ramblings (after some research), so don’t go blamin’ the SCM team fer ’em! They may or may not agree! I’m not a doctor nor do I play one on TV…

    When I was a child or young teen, I recall my mom giving us vitamin B1 to avoid mosquito bites. It did work for us, and she was one of those people who tend to get “eaten alive” as they say. However, I have read some reports that say it’s not proven to work, but many people swear by it. I still use it on occasion with much success.

    We would typically take 100 mg. in the morning and in the evening while camping, and I was nearly adult-sized by then. I did find an article on a website that refers to itself as “pediatrics, naturally” where the doctor recommended a dose of 25 to 50 mg. 3 times a day for children. Remember that vitamin B1 is water soluble, so any that your body does not use for its normal function will be removed through urination or sweated out through the skin. It’s the sweating that produces an odor that humans can’t detect but mosquitoes can, and they apparently don’t like the scent. 




    I know Burt’s Bees makes a natural insect repellent. We haven’t used it (but we haven’t had any rain this year either, so no mosquitoes for us!). I also know that citronella oil, an essential oil, can be used as a repellent. I’m not sure if you dab it on the skin or if you mix it with something, so you’d have to research that. I wish I could say I have experience with these two. Only last summer did I become aware of the harmful effects that the chemical-filled repellents have on our bodies. I was going to switch to the natural stuff this summer, then we had a drought and haven’t gotten one mosquito bite all year. I guess that’s been the ONLY positive thing about this drought.




    I have used the Burts Bees repellent and I think it is the best natural repellent that I have tried.  It actually works! One thing, though – it is a bit oily and can stain clothes if sprayed on them, so in the heavy mosquito season I apply the Burts Bees to skin and the Off or other deet containing brand to clothes.

    I can’t remember the name of any other natural repellents that I have tried – but they were not effective at all.  Some smelled heavily of citronella (which I do not care for).  The Burts Bees has a pleasant herbal smell.

    Lindsey – we have also had a virtually mosquito free year.  That has been nice, but I would take mosquitos and some rain if I could get it.  I am sure you feel the same way!


    We use cedar oil mixed with water (don’t use straight). We were just outside and we could all feel the bugs around us, but no bites. Even my daughter who the bugs LOVE:)  Gina


    I also remember reading something about lemon eucalyptus oil, but I don’t recall what was said about how to use it. Perhaps that is one of the ingredients in the Burt’s Bees repellent….


    Thanks all.  Where do you usually find the Burt’s Bees stuff?  Can you buy it anywhere or do you have to order it online?




    I’ve heard that you can use Listerine!  Not really natural, but easily on hand – something about the menthol or mintiness or something.


    Our local grocery store chain carries Burt’s Bees products, but not everything they make. If you visit, you’ll find a store locator. Then you can call the stores closest to you to see if they carry the insect repellent.

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