Narrations for Jay Wile's Apologia (7th grade & up) Courses??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Narration Narrations for Jay Wile's Apologia (7th grade & up) Courses??


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  • Do you do narrations for the 7th grade and up Apologia courses (I’m especially wondering about High School) or do you have them do the study questions instead?

    Right now I will have a 10th grader doing Chemistry and an 8th grader doing Physical Science. I’ve been having them do the study questions but I’d like to hear from someone who’s done these by narration only. The study questions take a LONG time for them to complete and I’m wondering if it would be a better use of their time to narrate what they read.




    I occasionally have my kids narrate their science books, but fact-dense books are tougher to narrate.  And, to be frank, when the children get to college, there is not going to be a professor that allows narrations instead of answers to test questions.   🙂  So I figure it is good for them to get used to getting the information needed in this way, too.  Narration is best, especially critical in those formative years–but college is not based on narration.  Most of the time in Apologia Chemistry, the things that take by far the longest are the problems and equations.  Do NOT skip those–they are crucial. My son who just finished Chemistry spent twice the time on problems that he did on questions.  Physical Science you can still do a fair amount of narration, but I’d recommend doing the review questions before the tests if you use those.



     We used the General Science last year with narration and took the tests orally. He was responsible for writing the Lab Reports, though. It all went really well.  I am going to attempt that this year with the Physical Science as well if he can show the good retention. The textbook approach did not work for him in the elementary grades. I agree with Bookworm, as he progresses I will implement answering the study questions and tests in written form to prep him for college. MelanieC.

    I think I will do this next year for when my 11 yo (asperger’s) son starts General Science. I was worried about him being overwhelmed with the amount of work, and I think a gentle introduction using narration is just the perfect thing.


    Thanks for your replies!


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