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  • csnover

    I searched old posts on how many written narrations to expect at each age.  Is there a chart or break down on age and # of narrations required for each grade through highschool?  Thank you so much!  Cara


    If you scroll down to question #32 in that blog post, there are loose guidelines for how much to narrate.

    I’m not sure there are hard and fast rules for this. For written narrations, I personally require two per week starting when my kids are in 5th grade but they are only 3-4 sentences long. When they hit high school, they do 3-4 per week but each one has increased a lot in length and is more organized. I don’t schedule oral narration into our days, but I assume that’s something you would do daily all the way through the grades.

    Tamara Bell

    Hi Cara,

    We are working on a chart with that information.   In the meantime I’ll share it here and perhaps you can save this page or write it somewhere for future reference.

    Grade 4….1 written per week (narrative or expository)

    Grade 5-6…. 2 written per week (narrative or expository)

    Grade  7-8…. 3 written per week (narrative, expository, or descriptive)

    Grade 9….4 written per week (narrative, expository, or descriptive)

    Grade 10….4 written per week (narrative, expository, descriptive, or persuasive)

    Grade 11-12….5 written per week (narrative, expository, descriptive, or persuasive)

    In Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing Sonya notes that round 7th grade, we should begin asking for some of the written narrations to be written in prose (poetry).

    Please remember these are just guidelines.  Some students are ready for the recommended amount of written narrations at the suggested ages and others are not.  My 8th grader will begin the first term this year with 2 written narrations a week with our goal of being 3 written narrations a week by the end of the year.  His 7th grade sister however, is ready for 3 written narrations a week.  She is definitely ready to write some narrations as poetry.  He is not.


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