Narration…How Many Times?

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  • amandajhilburn

    We are taking a grammar break and trying to work on oral narrations for my son (age 9) and beginning CM style written narrations with my daughter (age 11). We are trying to stop using a summarizing type of narration (aka Well-trained Mind type) and get more info into what the kids re-tell. This last week was harder than I thought it would be. They want to just say a short sentence and be done.

    We need lots of practice, but I’m not sure how many times I should ask them to narrate…oral or written. Are there some kind of suggestions about how often to do this?



    Amanda 🙂




    I am also interested in the responses to this question


    When we begin written narrations, we begin with one per week, then when that is going well, we move up to two a week, then on up to (by high school) writing at least one every day.  Oral is harder to determine–my kids do narrate most of the things we do, BUT it is a little intimidating when this is expected at first.  Some kids are going to balk and not like to do that.  Frown  But you do want plenty of practice for them so they can improve.  So . . . the bottom line is–it depends. I’d personally try to do just as many a day as their good attitudes will bear.  But then stop before Extreme Frustration is reached.  If they are being a little reticent now, doing one or two a day until they are adjusted a little bit may help.  I always want to know what my kids think of a reading anyway, and even if I don’t always ask for a formal narration I do try sometime during the day to see what they thought in an informal way.  I’d pick for those things you DO decide to narrate, a reading that is high-interest for them or one that has good “narration” properties, and then for some of the other things you can try different narration methods or more informal asking and telling.  (F.E. at lunch, “What did you think of what XXX historical figure did?” or “which of these artist’s pictures do you like best? or “what kind of cartoon would use the prelude to Aida as a soundtrack?”  (Had a long dicussion on that last week, lol)


    Thank you. We shalll see how much we can bear today 🙂 LOL! One per day (oral) may be our beginning limit. 


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