Narration vs. Parroting, help

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    My 12ds is obviously narrating a couple of books/subjects daily.  He is rather methodical about it and seems to be parroting what he reads instead of narrating, jmho, of course.  I don’t like to criticize him and have tried to explain the difference but he says that’s just the way he likes to retell.  He does remember details and such, but it seems to be shared in a very “fact” based fashion.  When he does share and comes to a part that he thinks is interesting I’m dying for him to expound on it but he thinks that is leading away from the story. I feel he can expound and go back into the narration when he feels he’s expressed himself enough. 

    He does stumble over his words some so maybe he is afraid he’ll lose track if he adds in too much of his own opinion, etc.  Any thoughts??  Am I expecting too much from a 12yo and should I be happy with his retention even if it’s shared this way??  He’s actually good at narration, I’m just trying to help him feel comfortable sharing his own opinions of a book, etc.  I have tried to give him an example, maybe I need to do that more frequently??

    Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.

    When I observed the Ambleside School (the middle-upper level classes), all the kids seemed to take on their own form of narration. I actually thought one girl had memorized the chapter as she spoke. LOL….she was staring straight into space while talking! I looked at her text though, she didn’t memorize it but she was particularly sharp in the skill of using the author’s language. I was amazed.

    Also, I am pretty sure narrations are supposed to be very close to the text. Personally, I would be very happy with what you are describing. If you are wanting more opinion, maybe have him do his usual way of narration and then have him write about what he thinks about it afterwards. Use a question like, “if you were such and such, what would you feel?” Or even better SCM has some narration questions you could try.



    Ah, thanks…I feel better.  I know we aren’t suppose to criticize and make it seem as if we’re not happy with what they’ve done and cause them to fear doing “whatever” fearing that we (I) think it’s all wrong.   I certainly don’t want him to change…he’s not a story teller, that’s for sure, and he’s really a boy-with-few-words, unlike my other two who are very imaginative, verbal, and story telling maniacs!

    I suppose I’m alot like my other two (plus I’m a girl) with lots to say and I expect my 12yo to be just like meEmbarassed.  He’s not like me and actually tried to tell me after his most recent narration that everyone has their own way of retelling…I think I give mixed messages on what narration is and isn’t….ugh.  I will take your advice…thanks so much.

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