We are looking at SCM again this year (better late than never, LOL), and I wonder if it will work for my older DD’s. We are currently doing MFW and are looking at SCM. My children are in 5th, 8th, and 10th grades, and we were planning on beginning the American History leg of the history cycle. My 10th grade DD did BiblioPlan Year 2 (Medieval) last year, so that accounted for a World History credit. We are willing to begin wherever, as long as we are able to get in the U.S. History and gov’t/econ credits before graduation. Thanks!
With SCM you would have a Family book that is read and orally narrated all together, then your children would also have independent readings assigned in other books to narrate. You can determine whether you want those narrations to be oral or written. If this is a new concept, you would probably want to start with oral and transition each child as he or she is ready to move to written. Those Family reading times would be prime opportunities to help your children understand what narration is and practice doing it with immediate feedback.
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