Narration How-To

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  • Kim Urband

    I have a 17 year old son who I am asking for the first time to do written narrations on some of his reading, history an literature in particular. What is the best way to guide him in this process, especially if it is a quite lengthy reading assignment?

    Do your children do any kind of an outline before writing? Or do they just write everything learned by a particular reading? How long is long enough when writing? I’m just baffled here and could use some hand holding.

    I just had a thought… if any of your children would be willing to write a post for this forum on how he/she goes about a written narration, that would be a tremendous help.

    Thank you for any assistance you can give me.




    My children type up a summary of their reading each day. For literature, it works out to about 20-30 minutes of reading and 10-15 minutes of typing. At the end of the book, they can then delete what is not pertinent and elaborate on what they want to highlight. Keeping a timeline helps in the retention as well.

    Kim Urband

    Thank you, Cindy!


    Sonya Shafer

    It might help in the beginning to ask him to write about one particular aspect of his reading. Once he has that process down, ask him to write about two aspects. Pretty soon he’ll work his way up to everything. 

    Kim Urband

    Thank you, Sonya!


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