Mystery of History audio cds

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  • Rachel White

    Has anyone listened to these cds? In the Timberdoodle catalog, it says the cds narrate only the ‘story lessons’ from the books, with some dramatic elements added into the background. I’ve never read through the MOH curriculum; what are the ‘story lessons’ like?

    How could/would you compare them to Diane Waring’s cds?

    Thanks, Rachel


    I have not listened to the CD’s, but I have read the book and really like the stories.  I do know that some people don’t care for her style of writing though.  I think what they mean by the “story lessons” is that she just reads the stories and not the quizzes and such.


    Rachel, do you know you can listen to samples of the audio on the MOH website? Also, you can listen to samples of Dianas audios on her website or AIG website. This might give you an idea of which you prefer. The MOH cds are the author reading the book per se with music in the background. Diana cds are like shes sitting at your dining room table chatting with you.

    Rachel White

    Oh, I didn’t know I could hear samples on the MOH site; I do recall being able to on the Waring site. Thanks, good idea.

    Des, what you mean by her writing style? What do you know that people don’t like? Can you expound?




    Rachel, others have posted that she seems to be talking down to the student.  Some don’t like her conversational tone.

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