Mystery book suggestions Elementary to High School?

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  • Tristan

    I’m hoping that somewhere among this group are some people who have read good mysteries (not gory or with smut, aka – student friendly).  I’m working on our assigned literature lists for the first half of the school year and I would like each of my children who are reading independently to read a mystery novel.  I don’t happen to read mysteries much, read Agatha Christie years ago but that’s about it.  So here are the ages/grades/abilities I would love suggestions for:

    Makayla is 14, 9th grade, and reads well above grade level.  She’s happy to read for hours.

    Joseph is 10, 5th grade, and reads okay but slowly.  So nothing over about 250 pages for sure.  I’m wondering if the first Hardy Boys is worth trying?  Or is there something better?

    Emma is 9, 4th grade, and reads well, can plow through books happily.  Anyone read the first Nancy Drew book and recommend it?  Or is there something better?

    Daniel is 7, 2nd grade, and reads as well as my 9th grader (gifted child with all the fun and trials that go along).  He enjoys reading.  I know he could do the first Hardy Boys easily if it’s worth reading but is there something better?  Not too adult in themes, obviously, because he’s only 7, but not to babyish either, he would just be frustrated by something like Encyclopedia Brown that is closer to his ‘age’.



    Tristan, here are some suggestions that my kids have liked in no particular order.

    Trixie Belden

    the first books of Nancy Drew or Hardy boys

    the first books of Boxcar Children

    the Happy Hollisters

    Sugar Creek Gang

    The Famous Five series

    the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

    Emmy and the incredible shrinking rat


    One of the best books EVER is The Westing Game. I read it for the first time in elementary school and have read it repeatedly even as an adult. The reading level isn’t real high but it is a twisty-turny story that might be difficult for the younger ones to grasp. We also love From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler. The original Hardy Boys books are good. My 14 year old daughter recommends a series we found for Kindle. The first one is called The Boarded Up House. The authors first name is Augusta, but I can’t remember any more. She read those a couple of years ago. I’m not sure of the reading level.


    Looks like you’ve gotten some great suggestions so far.

    I second Trixie Belden (loved those as a child!), The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, The Boxcar Children, The Sugar Creek Gang series,  Sherlock Holmes and From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler ( a favorite of mine).

    I haven’t read the others mentioned.

    I would like to add The Mysterious Benedict Society series. They are wonderful! We have read them multiple times and really enjoyed them. The Mysterious Children of Ashton Place series has been well liked by my daughter.

    I’ve heard great things about Chesterton’s books but have yet to read any.

    Most of the books mentioned would be appropriate for elementary to middle school aged and high schoolers may even enjoy some of them.

    Some of the Sherlock stories would be fine for younger children but others are best saved for high school or late middle school.


    For your oldest…

    Father Brown series by Chesterton and the Peter Wimsey series by Sayers. Both of these authors were well known Christian writers so I (rightly or wrongly?) trust them to be a little less graphic. Not as much adultery, etc as in Agatha Christie.


    DD14 loved The Westing Game!


    I see some of our favorites already listed (I loved Trixie Belden when I was young and my dd has reread the ones we have now), but my daughter has also enjoyed these books through the years…. (She loves mysteries!)

    Concord Cunningham Scripture Sleuth books

    Young Mandie books and Mandie books


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