My fathers world


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  • jill smith

    Have any of you used MFW and if so what are you thoughts? Pros and Cons? Looking at this for next year possibly for my 3rd and 6th grade DD.


    I have used MFW, several of their years. I have both loved and hated it.

    Pro –

    conservative Christian worldview

    all laid out and all inclusive

    family stays together until HS

    it has a little of everything, many things CM inspired

    Cons –

    its all laid out (easy to feel behind if you dont check the box)

    imo the k-8th recommendations do not prepare the student for their hs program. It seems to go from lots of family study and hand holding to totally on their own.

    HS is independent with no family studies.

    too many worksheets

    books did not feel living, a lot reference books scheduled so making the study living took adding in a lot of books. You absolutley just be really good about their library recommendations.


    If you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them if I can. It is a good solid program, but I felt I had to tweak it so much to make work. It did not seem very CM to me, although I can see where they have tried to incorporate her methods.

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