My child's first Shakespeare

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  • pjssully


    I just have to tell a really cool story.  Today was our first attempt at Shakespeare. My twin boys are 11 and are …well….boys!  But for the most part, they sat and listened quietly.  I decided to start off with just reading the play in a story format using Nesbit book.  When we finished, one of them actually clapped!! Wow!  I have been homeschooling for 11 years, and I don’t think I have really had a “clap” before!  It really was fun!

    Thanks so much for this site–I would never have done this if I hadn’t come back to this site!


    Sonya Shafer

    What a great story, Pam! Out of curiosity, which play was it?


    LOVE IT! =) 

    I got the Dover Shakespeare Coloring book for my older kiddos to color the corresponding illustrations while we listen to the Nesbit and Lamb versions before we read the play aloud. One of them was thumbing through it, found an illustration that caught her eye, and begged me to get her the play so she could read it herself. Fortunately, it was one of the more appropriate ones for her age and we got it free for Kindle. She’s always asking me if they can watch my BBC Shakespeare productions.

    My girls really enjoy Shakespeare. 😉



    Sonya, We read A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  One of my boys even laughed at some of the parts, so I knew he was following along!  Thanks for such a wonderful website!!



    that was my dd’s first play years ago and she really liked it.  i am going to do this one with my ds 11 during term 3.  Your story is inspiring!

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