My children's accolades for SCM

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  • JenniferM


    1.  When I pulled out Spelling Wisdom for my 8 year old today, she saw the Simply Charlotte Mason name on the book and said, “Simply Charlotte Mason!  I love Simply Charlotte Mason!”

    2.  We read the first letter in Letters from Egypt this morning.  This afternoon, my daughter was writing in a blank journal “Letters from Me”  in which she is writing letters to herself.  She titled the first one Letter I.  

    3.  My 6 year old has asked me several times when we are going to look at “that left behind stuff.”  Every time he says that, I have to think because the Tim LaHayes series usually comes to mind!  “Not until Lesson 15, Dear.”  (I finally just flipped through the guide to know for sure myself!)

    4.  My daughter has oohed and ahhed over the little art cards enclosed in each package I have ordered.  They are propped up on the bookshelf now!

    Thanks, SCM!  Smile


    That’s wonderful! My kids have learned to discern the SCM name on things, too. My 6th grader asked when he gets to do the Business Math book – his sister completed it over the summer :0). It is good when they like school, isn’t it!?

    susie in ms

    Like. 🙂


    another Like, and I my kids love the guides.

    We’ve only been using the CMO for a few days and the kids are enjoying the challenge to get things marked off on the computer. Why it didn’t work as quickly with their checklists, I don’t know, but it’s a happy improvement. ;0)

    Sonya Shafer

    Your posts make us smile. Thanks for the encouragement!


    Yesterday dd7 told me that when she grows up she wants to write poetry.  🙂  Never would have happened without the SCM guide and seminar explaining how all we need to do is read it and enjoy it.


    We are new to SCM this year and are loving it!  We are using a family guide for Module 4 and then various tips and ideas from the website.  It has made such a difference in our homeschool!

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