my bookhouse series

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  • Jen

    I was wondering if anyone uses these lovely classic children’s stories in their homeschools? I have often thought that the My Bookhouse series could be used as a language arts “spine” for a CM education. Maybe using the stories and poems for narrations, copywork and dictation. Just wondering if anyone does this and if so what their experience has been. Or have you used a similar resource (maybe something still in print) ?


    I adore these. We have the set that I had as a child, “the green set.” I’ve never used them as curriculum exactly, just picked and chosen pieces to read to my girls. But now that I have another little one and I’m being much more intentional with CM methodology, I will probably use them in a more structured way. I just love them. They are the perfect definition of twaddle-free, living literature from beginning to end!


    That is exactly how I feel too! They are so wonderful! I really wish they were still in print. Sometimes it seems like I’m juggling so many books, trying to “spread a wide feast” for my children. I think that if I figured out a way to use these books as our “spine” it could really simplify things for me.


    I love this set.  I have an original 1921 set put aside for each of my boys and a set in my library which gets constant use.

    Andrew Kern of CIRCE says that if a child reads this set, he will have an amazing liberal arts education.

    This site may be helpful.


    Oooh, thank you for the site, Robin! I’m always looking for more ways to use these books besides, well, just reading them. Hee hee!


    Robin, thank you for this link. Going to check it out now. 🙂


    If anyone is interested, my sister has some of these on ebay.

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