MUS reviewing previous concepts question

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  • sarah2106

    For those of you that use MUS year after year, I have a question.

    This is our second year with MUS. My oldest finished Beta in 2nd grade. It seems to be a great fit for her and for her younger brother. He is 1/2 way through Alpha, he started just after turning 6 in January (even though officially in K, love being able to adjust and not worry about “grade level”)

    My question is. Because the focus is primarily on 1 concept per book (addition, subtraction, multiplication…) do you find that the student forgets how to use the previously learned concepts? If we start Gamma will my DD become out of practice doing multi-digit subtraction? Do I not need to be concerned? Or as the math progresses they use the previously learned concepts. Example – you continue to practice multi-digit addition in subtraction as they check their work.

    MUS is such a different program than what I grew up with (I was HS’ed K-12, and started Saxon in 4th grade and continued through 12th grade), but MUS makes sense to me and so far the kids; but at the same time always questioning the best choice. Too many great options, LOL.


    We’ve always used MUS(have done up to Algebra). Even thought MUS is mastery-based, you still do review past concepts. Lessons A, B, and C are on the new concept, and Lessons D, E, and F are on the new concept PLUS old conepts thrown in. Overall, my kids haven’t had trouble w/forgetting past concepts.  On the first review page they will sometimes throw in a review sample(showing how to figure it out and the answer) of a past concept as a reminder. That has been helpful and all we’ve needed.

    I LOVE MUS in the younger years and am so glad we haven’t gone w/a more cumbersome program. Though I am evaluating the upper levels…..


    MUS does have review plus there is review inherent in math — you can’t multiply without adding or divide without subtracting. My kids have never had a problem with it.



    I have one child halfway through Delta and another one about to start Gamma. I have not found that they forget previously learned skills because there is always some practice in the last three worksheets per lesson on past concepts, like momto2blessings mentioned. So, even though my son’s new concept was finding the area of a trapezoid, he was still having to do word problems and practice problems that required him to divide, add, and subtract, convert quarts to gallons, inches to feet, etc., find perimeter and more. Every once in a while, they might need a little refreshing if it’s a concept they haven’t done in a particularly long time, but I am finding that the older they get, the less refreshing they need.

    The one thing that I found disappointing about MUS was that my children did not master their basic function 0-9 facts with MUS alone. For that, we invested in Rapid Recall, and it was a WORTHY investment. Our son has done subtraction and multiplacation, our daughter has done addition and subtraction. Both can recall their facts with speed and accuracy. I’m sure they might have eventually gotten the facts down by using the Online Drills Application on MUS’s website, but RR really worked for us.


    Thanks for the input! I didn’t know if the review pages (D, E, F) reviewd all the skills learned, or just from the book. Glad they keep going back.


    Thanks for the tip on Rapid Recall. I never mastered my math facts (to do them quickly), and while I do math very well was never fast. I have seen recent posts on Rapid Recall so I will be looking back at those posts.

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