MUS question

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  • amama5

    I hope it’s okay to post a question about MUS here, I know there is a yahoo group for MUS (at least I think it’s yahoo) but that sounds more time consuming than this forum:)  My son just started Delta, and I looked at the lessons, and don’t see any graphing, nor have we ever done anything with graphs in previous levels.  Does MUS eventually cover that, or do I need to supplement for things like that?  Thanks!


    We just finished Beta and covered both bar and line graphs. Have you always used MUS? It’s my understanding that we’ll cover these again in future books because MUS is all about mastery. 


    My daughter just started Beta, and sure enough, graphing is the last lesson!  It’s just been a while since my son did that level, so I had forgotten.  Unless I’m forgetting the other levels, we didn’t see it again.  Thanks Lindsey

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