MUS question

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  • amandajhilburn

    My son is doing really well with Alpha. The blocks are helping him SSSOOOO much. My daughter is my concern. She is in Beta beacuse that is the level she tested into, but she is bored. Should I test her through the Beta level and if she can pass the tests move her on to Gamma?

    She also does not like the blocks, so if she “gets it” does it matter if she uses them or not? I have been letting her watch the DVD and then do a worksheet on her own. She has been doing great without the blocks and has mentioned to me that she did not see why the teacher on the DVD had to get the blocks out every time. I think she is beyond Beta so the block explanations seem irrelevant to her.


    We’ve used MUS from the beginning (pre Alpha, Beta, Gamma even!) My dd is in Pre-Algebra now and is doing well.  She used the blocks alot at the beginning, and I noticed she became less dependent on them around the Gamma level.  The blocks are wonderful for giving children a visual idea of why they are doing math.  Personally I would not insist on her using them.  If she is able to conceptualize the problem without blocks so much the better!  She understand the math and can continue at HER pace.  I would just give her the test at the end of each chapter and then work on what she doesn’t know.  MUS is flexible.  Smile

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