MUS primer ssubstitute

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  • After looking through our MUS I realiize we don’t have primer.  I thought we did, but oh well.  It seems silly to buy it really.  I know what is in Alpha and I am pretty sure I can get him ready for that on my own with a little help and direction from you all.

    What do you do for kindy math and what is out ther for free that we can do?  We have an extra set of blocks so we can use those.  Are there some CM blogs that have free math stuff?



    This other thread may help,

    MUS Alpha teaches time and a few other things in a very unique way, so I would be sure that you pre-teach those things to match (which won’t be hard since you already have Alpha).




    MEP math has a reception year that is good (and free except for printing – although it is colour pages so the printing may be a cost factor…)   – don’t know how well it would go with MUS though.


    I make my own hands on mathematics workjobs (also known as shoebox tasks) that cover the introductory basics for maths (counting, numerical order etc). They are simply small activity boxes with a self-checking task inside that has all the the equipment necessary for the activity. You teach the skill the first few times then children do them on their own until a skill is mastered. There are heaps of ideas on the web for these. Also, montessori maths ideas in the early years are brilliant for these intro skills. (I don’t use her philosophical approach but it is great for these maths skills) I have photos I could send of some examples but don’t know how to add here.  PS I rarely check this site so please email if you want them.


    Thanks ladies.

    We skip the teaching time stuff in MUS as I do that another way that works well for us.


    One of the things that would help for going into Alpha – if you’re not using the Primer is to have your kids memorize which color blocks represents which number – lavendar is 6, chocolate is 8 etc…  So whatever you do, I’d keep the blocks right there and use them along with whatever else you’re using.  They’ll have the opportunity to learn this in Alpha, but Alpha has a lot more things to memorize so it’s easier if that’s out of the way, then they can just focus on the facts.

    You also might want to teach them to count the MUS way…  0-9 and then one”ty”, one”ty” one, one”ty” two (12) etc… 




    Basically, Primer spends several of the first lessons teaching the child how to recognize each block by color. If you have the blocks, you can spend a few days helping your child learn that the 8 block is brown, the 2 block is orange, 1 block is green, etc. It helps to draw the blocks to scale on paper, have the child count them, then color what you drew the same color as the block itself. Also you can draw lines across paper to connect the number to the appropriate colored block. I guess Rebekah already said all that…I just read what she wrote. ha!

    One other thing is Decimal Street. Steve goes pretty in-depth about how only 9 units can live in the units house before the 10th one has to move out into the tens house. Then only 9 tens can live in the tens house before they have to move to the hundreds house. You can write out a number, such as 361, and have your child put the appropriate number of ones in the units house, tens and hundreds. You get the idea. 

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