Not with MUS, but my oldest son really needed to skip over some of the Pre-Algebra in his text b/c so much of it was review for him. We use a combination of Math on the Level along with Saxon 8/7 last year, which has a lot of Pre-Algebra in it. The year prior he worked through Life of Fred Pre-Alebra 1 as a supplement to our MOTL lessons.
I’m not sure how MUS is set up but if you already have the Pre-Algebra perhaps you could just go through it and skip what your DC has mastered.
I think Pre-Algebra on the whole is very important, but I do think from a lot of what I’ve seen it does have a lot of built-in review.
DO NOT SKIP PRE-ALGEBRA. DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT. In some curricula, it may be optional (I’m thining Saxon) but there are a number of critical elements in MUS that are NOT TAUGHT ANYWHERE ELSE and algebra will be incomprehensible without them. You can move through it as quickly as you like–I had a kid do it in five months I think, once, but do NOT skip it.
Got it! i just was wondering cause I don’t remember ever taking a “pre” class we just did algebra. I got a great deal on it so I am ok with it. But thought I’d be sure before I commit to the purchase.
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