MUS – pre-algebra vs algebra

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  • Misty

    I am wondering has anyone skipped pre and just jumped into algebra?

    How important is this step?




    Not with MUS, but my oldest son really needed to skip over some of the Pre-Algebra in his text b/c so much of it was review for him. We use a combination of Math on the Level along with Saxon 8/7 last year, which has a lot of Pre-Algebra in it. The year prior he worked through Life of Fred Pre-Alebra 1 as a supplement to our MOTL lessons.

    I’m not sure how MUS is set up but if you already have the Pre-Algebra perhaps you could just go through it and skip what your DC has mastered.

    I think Pre-Algebra on the whole is very important, but I do think from a lot of what I’ve seen it does have a lot of built-in review.


    DO NOT SKIP PRE-ALGEBRA.  DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT.  In some curricula, it may be optional (I’m thining Saxon) but there are a number of critical elements in MUS that are NOT TAUGHT ANYWHERE ELSE and algebra will be incomprehensible without them.  You can move through it as quickly as you like–I had a kid do it in five months I think, once, but do NOT skip it.


    Got it!  i just was wondering cause I don’t remember ever taking a “pre” class we just did algebra.  I got a great deal on it so I am ok with it.  But thought I’d be sure before I commit to the purchase.

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