Amanda, I’m pretty sure Beta is compatible. I’m trying to remember–the Algebra changed some when they moved to the perfect-bound materials, and that may be all–. One thing that IS new is that all problem solutions are completely shown, all steps, in the newer books, but it doesn’t seem that’d be a problem with Beta. I have all spiral-bound TM’s myself, although we get the new student books now, and while I’m not sure we did Beta with the new books, (it may have been a year or two before they came out) we’ve done many levels from at least Delta through Algebra II and the only difficulty I remember was with Algebra. They DO have the new answer material available on the website for just such difficulties, also. But I think you will be OK with Beta.
Yes, I called a MUS rep. she said they are compatable. I too am using an older TM with a newer student book (Gamma). She said the only one that would need to be updated is one of the Algebra courses (sorry I forgot which one).
So good to know. It is easy to find used teachers books and DVDs so I wondered too. We have gotten to gamma now and haven’t had problems. I haven’t bought any further yet, but my plan is to try to use older teacher manuals and DVDs with a new workbook. Makes it very affordable that way. Plus I would hate to rebut everything every year for 5 children.
So good to know. It is easy to find used teachers books and DVDs so I wondered too. We have gotten to gamma now and haven’t had problems. I haven’t bought any further yet, but my plan is to try to use older teacher manuals and DVDs with a new workbook. Makes it very affordable that way. Plus I would hate to rebut everything every year for 5 children.
Yes, we’ve used some of our TM’s through all 3 kids! Makes a big difference. And it is even OK to use the Algebra, even with the added lessons– I managed. They put the full answer key on the website to help those of us with dinosaur TM books.
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