MTC\'s Grammar Island


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  • cdm2kk

    I know that people are starting to wrap up for summer and may be thinking about next year curriculum and I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it may help someone else. My children are ages 10 & 11 just turned both of them. We have been homeschooling for a few years now. I used First language lessons one year (repetition killed us), tried easy peasy for a few awhile(my attempt to make it “fun”, but they retained or learned nothing, then bought Essentials in Writing (thought perhaps if someone else taught it might help), went Charlotte mason style with Winter Promise’s LA …….My kids  didn’t get grammar at all and were completely lost. They can and will orally narrate anything with ease, but as soon as I ask for it in writing they look at the pencil like it is a knife!  So, I banged my head against the wall for awhile and while researching things and re-reading charlotte mason’s thoughts on the subject, I came across Michael Clay Thompson’s Language Arts and my interest was peaked. I decided to try the first level since it is a building curriculum and they were close enough that it should be easy for them. We started it about a month ago. I gave them a short little worksheet or pre-test and they could barely locate a noun and verb that was it. I saw the pre-test results and was just floored because I know how many hours we apparently wasted doing all those other curriculums. So we began the book, which is almost like a story book, but does teach the eight parts of speech and parts of a sentence and about phrases and clauses. In a month of doing 3 days a week, we have finished the book grammar island. I gave my kids the post test and they both missed one only! They have a firmer grasp on the eight parts of speech than they ever have and are finally getting how a sentence works. For the first time ever they are not grumbling to do grammar. My son is writing a story on his own! This is the first time he has shown any interest in writing anything and he is using the Grammar Island story maker page to do so. This is a huge huge thing for us. So, if you really need to try something different and you want it to be fun and get results for your efforts, research MCT’s program. I am not doing his reading stuff, just the grammar, poetry, & vocab.  BTW, the poetry book is beyond comprehensive and easy to understand. I never learned about poetry and now I am and it really is fascinating. Anyway, both my kids are now identifying all eight parts of speech and they can find the subject and predicate of a sentence and they understand about direct objects, indirect object and subject complements. They are slowly understanding prepositions and phrases and have finally figured out the whole clause business. The most important thing though is that they no longer shut down to the idea of grammar nor do they feel it is so overwhelming a concept and give up. This book made them both feel empowered and smart and they are responding accordingly. We sit together on the couch and read this book. We discussed the why and hows. We laughed together over the very funny stories and we also laughed at each other’s made up sentences. I say that Michael Clay Thompson took Montessori’s color coding, Charlotte mason’s read together and discuss, and mushed them together and I swear he is pure genius! How he ties in the poetry and vocab with the grammar is just genius. My kids are writing poetry (not well mind you LOL) but they are writing! They are engaging. We will be finished up with the first level in another month and then next year they will move into the level that is really for them and I can’t wait to see them start putting their ideas on paper. Anyway, just wanted to share for anyone who is really tired of the boring worksheets and fill in the blanks and mundane grammar and wants something different.


    Thanks for sharing!  I am putting this on my list for later.

    Rebecca B

    I am very interested in using MCT level 1.  After looking at the website, could you recommend which books are needed?  Would I need to purchase the teacher manual and student book for grammar, poetry and vocab?





    I just purchased the teacher’s books. I wrote the daily sentence on a white board for them to copy from. Later, I purchased a dongle and a document camera and since then, I just project the pages of the teacher’s manual onto my tv. The student and teacher’s books are identical except the teacher’s book has some little circles with thoughts or points to make. we are doing level 2 this year and same thing.  I just bought the teacher’s manuals and so far so good. I love this program and kids do too. In this level, the Vocab book has all the answers for activities such as word searches and analogies in bold, so that doesn’t work out so well if you want to assign those, but my kids dislike those things, so I don’t assign them. I do the analogies by writing them on the white board and we discuss the relationship in the first example and as a group find the answer.  I do give them a weekly vocab test and so I just copy the test for each of them from the back of the book. It has both the bank test and the test with answers.

    Hope this helps you and I hope you love it as much as we do.

    Rebecca B


    Thank you so much for your response!  It is very helpful.  I am wondering though if you used Sentence Island or Practice Island?

    Thanks again!



    I used both and I just bought the Teacher’s edition. For the practice island, I just wrote the sentence on a white board and they copied and did the 4 part analysis and then we would discuss the answers and why they were what they were. I don’t grade their work, but did tell them that if they began to miss too many, then that would indicate to me that they needed more practice per day which meant more sentences than just the one. This was a very mild way to keep them motivated to try their hardest. LOL  So far it has worked and I just have to remind them when I feel they are slacking. Usually though they really don’t mind the one sentence a day to do and give it their all. It is surprising how fast they pick it up and they really know their stuff now. I also copied the page in sentence island that lists all parts of speech, sentence, phrases, etc for them to use as a cheat sheet. They used it quite a bit at first, but now I rarely see them refer to it.

    For sentence island, there are sentences in the teacher’s book and the answers are underneath, so I just keep a white piece of paper that I cover the answers with and we just discuss the answers and then I remove the paper and reveal them and we discuss what they missed and why.

    Best of Luck.

    Rebecca B

    Okay!  This is wonderful information.  Thank you so much!

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