Moving towards indept. work? Assignment sheets?

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  • kellywright006

    Hi All:
    i LOVE charts and check-off lists! I am trying to get my dd more independent next year (going to 7th grade).

    Wondering how you give the days/weeks assignemnts to them? Do you have a printed template you fill in work to be completed>? Do you have an assignement book to be filled in? I’m not talking about teacher lesson plans, but something for them to see what THEY are responsible for accomplishing?

    I have 3 other children doing school here, I am tyring to keep track of what needs to be done it a week. I am finding it harder and harder to remember who is to be doing what. I’d like a record of what we accomplished for the week too?




    Honestly Kelly, the SCM Organizer sounds like what you need.

    You put into it when various resources are scheduled. You can then print off a daily to-do-list with any modifications. Entering work completed is a few simple clicks, and there are great reports available.

    There are ways to have a list of all week due that week too, that some of us have come up with.

    You can even have the kids do it right off the computer…. but I’m worried they might make a mess of it.


    I use a scheduled grid I made up in Excel. Pm me your email and I can send you a sample.


    Here is another option.

    It’s a spreadsheet that let’s you plan out the whole year, but then print a page each week that shows the assignments that are due that week.  If we don’t get to something, I just cut and paste it down a row.

    I have separate sheets for each child and one for our family work.  I put the assignments that the children can do independently in a different font colour, so we can see at a glance which things need me and which don’t.  We just check the boxes when we are done.

    I keep thinking about using the SCM organizer, but can’t bring myself to spend the money when this simple spreadsheet is doing the job.


    We use assignment sheets for everyone!  I have two formats I use and it just depends on my mood which one I use each week.  😉  One is a simple list with Monday and a bullet list below for assignments, then Tuesday with a bullet list below, and so on. 


    • Math –
    • Science –
    • and so on


    • Scriptures –
    • you get the idea

    The child crosses out the items when they do them.

    The other one I made a table in Word.  Across the top the days of the week are listed as the title to each column.  Down the left hand side the subjects are listed as the title to each row.  I fill in days where they have assignemnts and leave blank squares when they do not have an assignment for that particular subject that day.  The child crosses off each box as it is completed.

    You can see this table format in an old post I did here

    For reference, I have 4 officially schooling and 4 little ones.  These work well for my Kindergartener through 7th grader.  It took the Kindergartener a few days to ‘get’ how to use the chart (to do the assignments in a column instead of all the assignments for one subject across the row).  Now they ask for one if I don’t get their assignment sheets into their binders each week.  And to be honest, some weeks I don’t, because I want them to learn to stay flexible and think of what needs done next, to be even more self-directed.  😉


    I have used the CM organizer, the Evangelism Stuff one, Homeschool Planet, OLLY, Scholaric, and more. I’ve made my own sheets and driven myself baty with perfectionistic tendencies. I decided mid year to abandon my bound planners (which you can see on my blog) that worked fairly well and returned to the CM Organizer. My dd13 and ds10 are just look on the computer and check off their own work. For dd6, we print the sheet or pull it up and let her look on the computer.

    My kids (dd13 and ds10) are independent learners save dictation, family read alouds, and discussion narration. I help dd10 with some science due to the language. Other than that, they know what to do and just do it. DD6 is more independent at this age than my older kids were because she is a very advanced reader. She reads some literature, Bible, and science on her own. She also completes copywork and math on occ. on her own. I do some of these with her, but she is eager to read for herself.

    Good luck finding what works for you.



    Christie makes some great points!  You have to use what you will actually use.  And different children will be more or less ready for independence at a particular age. 

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