I would welcome ideas for some good movies for this time period, esp. the American history portion. We’re shifting things a bit and doing the American history portion first and following up with the world.
We just watched Sheffey, which is about the circuit rider preacher of the same name. 1820’s time period. The Ken Bern’s Documentary on Lewis and Clark was FANTASTIC! I imagine his other documentaries would be just as good, though I haven’t watched them.
We liked Liberty’s Kids (it was available on Netflix but I’m not finding it now).
There is also Soldering Through History: Revolutionary War by Vision Forum. (They have 2 others that are also great, Civil War and WWII).
Nest Entertainment has some Historical Biography (Hero Classics) movies.
When you get to it, we loved Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West (on Netflix)
Drive Thru History has some great American History movies.
Not strictly “history” but we’ve enjoyed How the States Got Their Shapes. It has some history as it explains how each state has the current state lines.
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