Movie–Princess Bride

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  • richpond

    Ok guys I need your help…I know I have seen Princess Bride but I can’t remember much of the it (in your opinions) appropriate for kids 8,6,and 5. I know the story line is a love story (which I am not a big fan of) but isn’t it funny and adventurous and clean. I picked it up at the library thinking I could look it up on a christian website and check it out before I played it..but the website doesn’t have old movies like this. So now I am stuck…I don’t have time to watch it before I play it for my kids. So your input on this movie would be appreciated. Thanks. 🙂


    oh by the way I miss you all.


    I felt a little squirrely with the very young ones watching. There’s the line that is repeated numerous times, “My name is…prepare to die.” I think there might be one or two swear words in this too (though worldly speaking, obviously ‘light’ enough to stay in the pg rating). The rodents of unusual size are scarry, there’s a sword fight, she puts a sword to her breast (which is commented on), oh, and when he is taken to this place that takes the life out of him…that’s really scarry. So, no, not the 6 and 5 and only the 8 if you think so. How do I know all this? We own the movie, and my husband loves it. It is cute, for older ones.


    Oh, Shelly, it’s so hard to judge on something like a movie! I can think of things in it picky parents might not like. However, I’m relatively picky myself, and my kids have all seen this many, many times. (It’s one of my top 5 all-time movie favorites, and I have looong sections memorized from watching so many times, lol. All you have to do to get big laughs at my house is start out “My name is Inigo Montoya, you keeled my fadder . . . . Twue wove . . . . He’s only MOSTLY dead . . . Inconceivable!!!!) I’m dating myself a lot by saying I saw it long, long ago on an early date with the guy who’s now my dh. 🙂

    There is some violence, a scene with a drunk guy, a guy who is “brought back to life” by a magician (Billy Crystal, he’s hilarious!) But he was only MOSTLY dead . . . A kiss, and one pretty intense swordfight with blood and insults and kind of gory. The other swordfight is more funny than serious. Oh, and one scary scene with a very large rodent attacking a man and biting him . . .

    I just asked my sons and they don’t know that kids that young will like it . . mine think there’s a little too much “romance”. They roll their eyes when I pull it out. LOL

    Hope this helps. *I* love the movie. 🙂

    Karen Smith

    The Princess Bride is a favorite movie at our house. We watch it at least once a year. Like Bookworm, we quote the Princess Bride quite often, especially when we are with our friends who are also fans of the movie.

    As the others have mentioned there are a couple bits of language. One is particularly disturbing because it is said by a child.

    Besides what the others have said about the intense scenes, one main character has spent his entire life seeking revenge. It is what he lives for. Because of this and the intense scenes we waited until our kids were older before allowing them to watch it. Even then, one of the boys watched a good part of the movie standing on a chair, though he claims he wasn’t scared. 🙂

    I love that movie!! I have a hard time admitting that it is OLD. Yikes, when did I get old? 🙂 Oh well, my kids have seen it, but they were more interested in the sword fights and the giant than the romance. My boys loved it, but my 4 year old girl will not see it—she’s just too sensitive to big rats and things.


    I agree with everyone here… favorite movie, love it, quote it, saw it in the theater when it came out waaaaay back when…

    I haven’t let my kids watch it yet, the girls (4 and 6) are a bit on the sensitive side as we don’t have TV at all. We will let our son watch it for his 8th birthday in a few months, he’s ready now but we’re saving it for a surprise movie-date-night with hubby and myself! 😀 Whatever you decide, I hope at least your husband and yourself can enjoy some laughs and a trip down memory lane!


    Rachel White

    I love that movie, too!! I watch it about once a year, too. Plus, I’m a WILD Mandy Patinkin fan (if they could’ve just found a way for him to sing, I’d been in Heaven ! :D)

    My mom and I also quote from that movie; of course we also quote from Mel Brook’s movies, but I won’t expand on that here!

    I personally am waiting a couple more years to show my children; they are both 8. My decision is based on the language, the ‘magic’ part (as much as I enjoy it) and some sexual tension.



    Caroline, I hear ya! I’m reading this thread, thinking, “Princess Bride is an old movie!?! Didn’t it just come out?” Yikes, the years fly by.


    You guys are cracking me up…about this movie being “old”. I’m sorry, I mean’t that the website only has recent movies (within two years).

    Thanks for all your opinions and advice. I knew I could count on you!! 🙂



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