Motivating a 5 year old boy

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  • rhondajennings68

    I am having trouble motivating my 5 year-old son. He is very smart and reads third-grade (and actually up to fifth-grade level) books (nonfiction) but he seems less motivated when doing math. I let him play w/ Legos while I read but when it comes to math (I use Right Start and do the games), he seems a little less motivated.

    I was planning on schooling him all year round but I am thinking of taking break and working on doing reading/crafts and playing outdoors over the Summer. Any thoughts?


    My DS is 5 as well. What sorts of math stuff can he do? Identify numbers? Rote counting? 1 to 1 correspondence? Addition and subtraction?

    FWIW, we are definitely changing things up over the summer. I asked my DS this morning what he wanted to do over the summer, and he answered, connect the dots up to 100. So that’s on my list! We have done basically just game for math this year. Card games, printable games. He likes subtraction bingo. We also do games like connect 4 and blokus, which aren’t specifically math but strategy and critical thinking. Feel free to mix it up! You really don’t need to use a curriculum at this age!


    I generally don’t do school with kids under 6 unless they are asking for it….  He is young, I’d say to give him time….


    Mama-nickles…He can easily count to 100, does basic addition and subtraction, knows shapes, etc but I don’t know if he should be doing more. He has picked up some multiplication from a game he has on Leapster Explorer but that only includes simple multiplication like 2 x 2, etc.


    I would take a break and play games (not the rightstart ones, just regular fun games like Rush Hour Jr., dominoes, Tell Tale, Yahtzee Jr, Monopoly Jr, Spot It, checkers, chess, etc) and have fun.

    Now, I say that knowing it is not what you want to hear. 🙂 I have 7 kiddos and #4 is gifted. He’s 5 now and can do all you listed reading wise, can spell well, and much more in the math department. He does have daily academics but how we’ve worked it out is I make a list he can choose from when HE wants to do school. I let his interests and desire lead in all school work. It is too easy to ‘push’ a young child when we see their potential ability, but that always backfires and we get burnt out little boys in elementary school. I see my job, especially with this gifted son, to be offering a rich environment but doing my best to protect his days so he can just be little. If he’s waffling between doing math and playing in the dirt I’ll encourage the dirt every time. He can’t get back these young years of play but he has the rest of his life to sit down and do math.

    ((HUGS)) Good luck finding the right balance!


    Thank you so much, Tristan. Great advice. I actually don’t mind taking a break but am always concerned that I am not teaching him enough or that he will fall behind. Note to self: Stop being Type A!!!


    Agreeing with Tristan. Much of what you described about your son sounds age-related and will probably come with a little time and relaxing just a bit. From a momma who started both of her kids way too soon, take this time before age 6 to enjoy them while they’re little. Don’t worry about math or writing or anything formal. Read, play outside, go for walks, play games, give him plenty of time to use his imagination. Developmentally, I’m not sure many 5yos can really DO a lot of focused math.

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