Mother Tongue Book II … thoughts?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Mother Tongue Book II … thoughts?

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  • erin.kate

    There has been some discussion in the CM-blog world about this grammar book, which has recently been republished by Blue Sky Daisies. I believe it was originally published in 1901 (ish) and appears to be much loved among CMers. {Not to be confused with Our Mother Tongue.} The samples in this link show how the book can be used over 3, 2, or 1 year, depending on the age of your children.

    My oldest is in AO Year 4 and is beginning formal grammar this year, so I am considering this book’s first 30-something lessons that cover the parts of speech this year. I’m taken with the use of fine literature in the teaching within this book.

    Curious if anyone has used this or has thoughts.


    I just ordered it. Should be here today. I’ve been trying to cram Cindy Rollins’ blog in before she takes it down soon and she very highly recommends it. I think I’m also going to try to teach grammar the way she does…a quick snippet during morning time (which I’m going to start implementing next week as well.) I love little snippets over time, especially in grammar.


    Cindy is exactly why I ordered mine, too, but I have to wait until Tuesday for mine to arrive. Would you come back and let me know your initial thoughts?

    My kids are too young yet for family grammar, but that’s a lovely idea. I have been frantically saving her posts as well.


    Robin-how are you liking this book? I’m thinking about my daughter’s next step in grammar and am comparing curriculum. I’d love to hear your opinion. ?


    Actually I’m not using it.  I’m using Grammar Revolution.  We’re only a few lessons in but really liking it.  We just spend a few minutes  3-4 times a week.  I also love that it doesn’t drag it out.  I’m all for getting it done and moving on.

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