Most books available for Kindle?

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  • Tecrz1

    I am considering purchasing each of my children a kindle for school next year. We recently moved and our new library system sadly does not carry many of the older books, and even the interlibrary loan option hasnt improved our options much. (Plus I just now received a book I put on hold at the beginning of our last term…and we are on summer break!) I am especially finding the history books difficult to find. I realized I would have to buy a lot of books for next year – and then find a place to put them in our already full house. Also, because I always used our excellent library I do not have many books to pass down to the lower grades, meaning I would need to buy and store LOT of books! I figured a Kindle would solve the space issue and I could find many of the literature books free.

    My question is if anyone knows whether the history and geography books are generally available to purchase for Kindle if they are not available free. I could just search for them all but I thought I would ask first. We are doing module 6 next year. I have a K, 2, and 4. My problem is also compounded by the fact that for the first time I will have two separate independent reading lists for history. I think I may still had my 4th grader read some of the 1-3 books and add some from the next level to save money.




    Not really.  None of the Elizabeth Mann or D’Aulaire books are.  Only one or two of the 1-3 books are on Kindle, perhaps 3.  Same with the 4-6 list.  

    I feel your pain with the ‘bad’ libraries.  We’ve slowly collected books, and moved them all over the country, because of poor library availability.  If you do end up buying try library book sales, Amazon, Paperback Swap, Abebooks,, and AddAll.  You might also ask around a homeschool group to see if anyone has them you could borrow.


    I love my kindle and my ds uses it all the time for certain books, but, it doesn’t take the place of the type of books that are usually scheduled in the SCM guides (except the new guides have a few I found…My Little Athenian Cousin or something like that, can’t remember right now).  I have found many classics that we read from and the Yesterday’s classics can be put on a kindle…I guess it all depends on what you’re looking for.  I love my Kindle but still buy reg. books if I find them (picture books, Mann books, etc.); we have a pretty large home library. 

    Have you seen the Kindle app for the pc?? Maybe you could download that and see what you can find on amazon and at YC and see if you would use them in a “hand-held” mode.  I have the kindle app on my iphone and use it all the time, especially while my ds is using my kindle.



    Thanks. That’s what I was wanting to know!

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