Wasn’t sure whether to put this in habits or schedules…
I would love to hear your opinions and what you do about mornings. Do you wake your kids up to start school at a particular time? My babes are 9, 8, 6, and 4. Some days and different children sleep much later than the others. I want them to all eat breakfast together so we can do Bible/Scripture Memory and catechism during breakfast.
Tell me about your wake up times and what has worked for you.
Can your eight and nine year old children handle an alarm clock? The six year old I would wake, the 4 year old… well it depends on what time you are wanting to meet. Sometimes a little time in the morning to get going without a preschooler can be a good thing!
because I find mornings to be more productive and a much better time for school I wake up the kids.
My youngest has always been an early bird, 6:30 is sleeping in, that I figure we might as well get going.
my older two I do not let sleep past 7:30 and we eat by about 8:15 which means we are starting piano or other school things by 8:30 or 8:45.
I know kids need good sleep, but they fall asleep by 9 or 9:30 so waking up at 7:30 has not been a problem. I would also rather help them learn to go to sleep early in amticipation of waking up early.
The way it works, each older shares a room with a younger. I’ve been hesitant with alarm clocks, especially with my DD9. She shares a room with her 6 year old sister. The 6 yo was diagnosed with sleep apnea at an early age. She’s struggled with sleep for years…Last one asleep, frequent night wakings, and first one awake. I’ve always felt she should sleep as much as possible. Still…I want breakfast, Bible, and morning chores to be finished by 9 to start school. We often don’t start until 10.
The idea of waking everyone up except the 4 year old sounds appealing. We could do math before breakfast maybe.
Dear Michelle, I rarely wake my children. They sometimes wake me! We have our morning walk then breakfast and then Bible. My DS15, DD11 and DS 8 oftentimes stay up late(10pm) and enjoy a read aloud. We are usually up and walking by 8:15 am. We often times accomplish the planned work by 1pm and dedicate afternoons to science, latin, nature, composer and picture study. If I notice my 8 yo getting tired, he sometimes sleeps til 9 and I work and math with the 2 olders.
Michelle, I forgot to add that my ds,now 15 is in charge of making breakfast( has happened for 3 years this way) and delivering the dirty laundry, dd 11 and ds 8 and I take care of the outside chores ie, feeding chicken, pigs and rabbits (15 min) and we come into his breakfast and I start a load of laundry as I wash up for breakfast and remove froze meats from freezer to thaw for dinner.
Now I know that your children are younger, but I was grooming them to help when even young. MY dd11 and ds 8 are in charge of keeping the upstairs bathroom neat and clean, except for toilet, as I do that.
We just helped my dad today on his beef farm unloading 1015 bales of hay into his haymow in the barn. We are happy tired!