I know there is already a modified schedule for Wisconsin on the links and tips page but I thought I’d also share the breakdown of the seasons/topics that I did. (I live in the South)
Seeds Dispersment & Poems that mention September
Lessons 12-14
Lessons 1-5
Leaves & Water Cycle
Lessons 40-42
None of the lesson were winter specific so any can be used
Just wanted to add that The Troubled Apple-Tree (Lifecycle of a tree, lessons 48-50) does talk about mistletoe so if you school during December it could be incorporated at Christmas time.
I just want to encourage you that it isn’t necessary to change the order of the book(s). While it is fine to line up the chapters according to season, it is also fine to simply read through the book allowing your children to make their own connections as they come up.
Don’t underestimate the child’s ability to make those connections by making sure everything lines up just so. We used this study as written last year with ds who was in 2nd grade. We live in Florida, but I didn’t modify the schedule, we simply went in order. Since that time, we’ve encountered many things that we learned about in Outdoor Secrets & had mental hooks on which to hang our new discoveries.
A Book of Centuries helps put history together, a nature journal can help with science and nature as it’s encountered. However, simply having mental hooks is also of great value.
We are in PA. I want to get my daughter outdoors very soon. So, I am planning to begin 106 Days of Creation this spring snd do a corresponding nature study. That way we can start at the beginning and work our way through while the weather is nice to be outdoors. We should finish by fall and then in the winter we will do the section on man. When that is complete, we will take a break from structured science for the remainder of the school year since we will have worked through the summer.
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