More Module 2 Revision Questions

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  • Amber

    I understand you were planning to release the finalized book list soon; however, I was wondering how soon the actual updated lesson plans would be available. We are suppose to start Module 2 in just a few weeks and I would like to wait for the revision. If its going to be a while for the revisions I had considered following my child’s interest and studying American History until the revisions are available.

    Doug Smith

    It’s going to be enough of a while that we’re not ready to announce a date yet. Smile



    I am thinking about doing Mod 2 next year.  My children really love Oxford Ancient History.  Would you recommend I buy the current handbook for Mod 2 now before the changes?  Or will the revised module still list optional readings from Oxford? Will it be a significant change to the whole module or is it mainly a change in the history spine?



    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Chris. The current lesson plans for Mod 2 use Oxford First Ancient History only for grades 7-9. I’m not sure what grades your children are in, but that might be helpful information for you to know about it. We plan to continue to have the current version available for those who want to use the Oxford book — printed as long as copies last, then electronic download only after that.

    I’m not listing optional readings from Oxford in the revised plans because it is out of print and I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to find one. If you decide to go with the revised plans, you are very welcome to supplement with readings from Oxford as desired. There is a lot of great stuff in it!

    I just posted the resource list for the revised module. Hopefully that list will help you see what will be different. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I don’t want this revision to be too confusing! Smile


    Will there be any changes to the Gr. 1-3 Bible portion of this module?

    Sonya Shafer

    I believe the majority of the Bible portion will remain the same for those grades, Amber, but I can’t say for sure until I have all the daily lesson plans finished.


    Thanks for the response Sonya.  My oldest will be in 10th next year.  I will have a look at the resource list.



    I already own the guide for module 2 and we are covering that in 2013/2014 school year… by fall do you mean early september perhaps??? lol If not can you please give me advice on how to use the other books from the new guide. I like a lot of the new selections, however, i wasn’t sure how to go about incorporating them. Is it as simple as dividing the book up throughout the lessons or do certain chapters have to line up with certain chapters from other books? I was warned by a friend about buying curriculum for years in the future. 🙁 I also was wondering what prompted the change in the spine. Are these two significantly different?


    Jessalee – the difference in the spine is that The Story of the Greeks is a comprehensive beginning to end history story of Greece.  The Famous Men on Greece is a collection of stories (biographical in nature) about 35 men who influenced Greek culture and thinking. They fit wonderfully well as additional reading to The Story of the Greeks. The change came about because if you are not familiar with Ancient Greece’s history, the Famous Men can make your study feel sort of choppy and not as coherent as the comprehensive history does. Famous Men is a great book, so don’t toss it out. I just matched the Men chapter to the related story about them in the spine.  Works great!

    If you want to use the new resources, and of course, I am not Sonya or the SCM team, but I think it would be great if you divided them up and started reading them. I think the new selections look very interesting! =) If you wait to correlate all the chapters, it makes it unmanageable and difficult because there will be lots for some chapters and not as much for other. However, if you start some books now, the kids will make connections and remember the stories much better the second time around. By being familiar with the story, their appreciation for the event grows and they will relate much better to it.

    Sonya Shafer

    Well put, sheraz. Thanks. Smile




    Will all of the guides be revised or will it only be the first three?

    Sonya Shafer

    The current plan is to do only the first three in the near future. I’m collecting ideas and suggestions to improve the other three, but we have no date set to do those revisions.

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