I am trying to have a better idea of what I should do w/a 7th grader next year.
I figured out pretty much what I wanted to do the question is how much and how long.
How long for math? we are using MUS and are behind. I do not want to rush but am planning to start on Epsilon this summer.
Do you time it or try to do one lesson in 2 days or 3 or 4? I really don’t know, I have been doing 2-3 pages a day and I am thinking that could be partially why we are behind but we also needed to spend more time on certain things so ne regrets here!!
Dictation- I have not been very consistent but saw on AO that you should replace copy work by dictation. I used to do the dictation on things he had used for copy work. Should I just do Bible verses and random things, is Spelling wisdom book 1 good or would I need another one? And how long to do it for, how many times a week?
How long to spend on grammar?
We will be doing grammar key and then our mother tongue.
I am also thinking to start write w/the best.
no need to keep doing ILL and wordly wise as well right?
I don’t try to do a MUS lesson in ANY time. MUS is mastery based. We move on only when mastery has been achieved. About the fastest this has ever happened in my home is 3 days. The longest would be more than three weeks! If you try to move faster than the child achieves mastery, you will end up making progress difficult because principles will not be internalized. You can probably spend a little longer at this age, provided that attention does not waver or wane.
I myself do Spelling Wisdom twice a week, although we prep every day. I think there is placement info on the website or in the sample? Maybe I’m wrong. You may not need to start at the first one.
Grammar–again, I tend to do this about twice a week, but i don’t know the needs of your child. Are you also in a foreign language? More often might be good if you do not do any foreign language grammar.
Whether you continue ILL and wordly wise would depend on your goals and how your child was doing and what you wanted.
One lesson in MUS typically takes about a week. We move faster when we can due to it being easy or slower when needed due to it being hard. Ds9 does a new and a review sheet daily and we move on to the test when he’s got it. We don’t always do all of the sheets. Dd12 is finishing delta in the next week and will move right into the next book. She can often do the same as ds, but with long division, 2 pages was too much so we do one. I plan one week per lesson, but it never works out exactly. We do it until mastery whether 2 days or 10.
Ds Typical schedule:
Day 1 – video, a, d
Day 2 – b, e
Day 3 – c, f
Day 4 – test
Dd12 schedule:
Day 1 – video, samples with mom, a
Days 2+ – alternate review, new sheets til we’ve got it
We do MUS in a similar manner to Christie. It takes as little as 3 days up to a couple of weeks in some cases, though those are not the norm. Typically it’s between 3 – 5 days. I do have the kiddos use a timer, so my youngest worked on her math for 30 minutes this year. Next year it will be 40 minutes. My two in high school worked on theirs for 45 minutes/ day. That time does NOT count the video. They like it that way, and I’m fine if they want to only count actual computation time.
Our dictation is Spelling Wisdom which is also our method for spelling. If you choose to come up with your own bits for dictation, that would work as well. I like to get two for one, so this method works for us.
I don’t know about Grammar Key, but when we used OMT, I took it one page per day – sometimes two because my girls enjoyed it a great deal. I will use this with my youngest this year, and that is how I plan to use it with her. The time it took us was around 15 minutes, sometimes a bit longer, but no more than 20 minutes. That isn’t much time, but then again, this is a finite bit of knowledge, and I’m ok with what might be considered a very short lesson. I refuse to drill and kill with this; I see far too many people turned off of grammar when it need not happen. We diagram together, then the girls each took turns with their own sentences using a dry erase board. I would randomly write a sentence here or there as well, and have them diagram it — I enjoy grammar, and am not intimidated by it. Don’t feel you have to do that if you are not as comfortable with grammar. As for number of days per week, we do 2 – 3 depending.
As far as the other two programs, for the life of me I can’t remember what ILL is. However, Wordly Wise is different than the others, but then, though I have used it in the past with my oldest who is now 23 and for a year or two with my oldest dd who is now 21, I’m ambivalent at this point. I have not decided what I will or won’t do with my youngest as word meanings sometimes escape her. However, Latin does seem to help with that issue, and my 16 yo and my 18 yo really have a good grasp of roots now which has helped them significantly, so I may wait and see for another year with my youngest.
I guess I have been doing the same as all of you for math, good to know!
Blue J how old is your youngest to spend 30 minutes on math? I don’t think my son has ever spent more then 10 minutes. I probably need to up this up. Even if I don’t want to rush I am thinking I can probably expect a little more next year!
My kids are learning French but no grammar so far. They speak it fluently and we are working on reading, so I guess that means we should do grammar 2-3 times a week. I don’t know, I might do more w/grammar key since the lessons are so short. I’ll see how it goes.
Good to have an idea though!
Bookworm this is probably a silly question but what does it mean to prep for spelling wisdom? They study it first or do they copy it?
And how long do you spend on that? Are there any guidelines?
I think I got stuck on the 10 minutes per subject idea. I think that will work fine for my Kinder gardener and probably even for my 5th grader for many subjects but for the 7th grader, I’m sure he can do more then that, just not sure how much before he gets turned off!?!
One should not do a dictation until it has been prepped to the point the child will not make an error. We look up every word, we work on spelling any we may not know, we discuss pertinent grammar and style points, we study the punctuation. Once I am very certain the children can do any portion with no error, we dictate. If t his is not necessary the passage is too easy.
For MUS, my son (12 1/2) just started Epsilon a few weeks ago, so don’t think you’re all that behind.
He’s going through a Lesson a week; about 2 pages a day, then the test on Fri. I must say that fractions are coming easier to him than I expected. If he can do more than 2 pages and know what he’s doing, then I let him.
I want to start him on LOF, too; I just have to decide which one.
My dd, who’s 12, is on Gamma. I require her to work Sun.-Fri. on Math, with few vacations from it (even if she does nothing else, she does math) since she truly is behind and must get where it won’t interfere with HS math requirements. Her brain wasn’t ready for math till just recently and she is moving very quickly now; getting the concept of multiplication. Math is tough for her, but now she’s doing well. If she feels like doing more than 2 pages (she’ll tell me), I only let her do 2, then come back later in teh day and do more; otherwise she’ll zone out and start getting simple things wrong.
For dictation, I have it scheduled for 2x a week. One day study the passage and copy it, then the next dictation. You could use what books you have on hand, but it’s easier to have it all in one spot, like SW. I need to be more consistant with it myself. My son also uses Megawords as spelling is not a strong suit for him and he needs the extra “rules” training. He’ll be doing Megawords 2 for 7th.
Grammar/Comp.: Both of mine (the 6th and 7th) will be doing Rod and Staff 5 daily.
For Foreign Lag. they will also continue in their Hebrew studies and will be beginning Latin for Children A.
Generally, ILL is ended by 7th. If you’re going to start WWTB, then I don’t see a reason to continue ILL; or you could just finish up ILL and start WWTB directly afterwards.
I don’t know anything about WorldyWise, I’m sorry.
Thanks Rachel, yeah I guess it makes sense to drop ILL and probably Wordly wise too and focus on dictation and WWTB. My oldest is pretty good w/spelling but I’ll keep that in mind if I have issues w/others.
LOF looks great but I’m not sure I would have the courage to switch at this point.